Employee education plan
Sisseton Wahpeton College
Employee Name: Date:
Department: Position:
Proposed Degree Program: Degree Level:
Proposed Institution of Program:
Program is Primarily: Online Night/Weekend Other:________________
Estimated Total Cost (tuition + fees):
Availability of PELL or other Financial Aid: please provide brief statement below
Required Attachments:
Course of Study/Program Schedule
Value Statement: outlining the proposal and how it will fulfill a current or future need at SWC
Need Statement: provided by a department director stating the need for these skills
Impact Statement: outlining how the EEP could affect current job responsibilities/performance
Proof of Acceptance in the Proposed Degree Program
I understand if I resign within twelve (12) months after receiving this assistance, I will be required
to repay SWC, partially or in full, as determined by the Educational Assistance Committee.
_____________________ (applicant’s signature) _____________ (date)
The applicant is not on probation or subject to disciplinary action
I support the EEP presented, and believe it would benefit SWC
_____________________ (supervisor’s signature) ______________ (date)
_____________________ (EAC chairs’s signature) ______________ (date)
_____________________ (president’s signature) ______________ (date)