Employee Name Work Location / Position Date of Discipline Action Given
Employee ID # Date of Occurrence Supervisor Issuing Action
Performance Feedback Level:
Suspension Pending Investigation
Verbal Suspension Pending Investigation
With Pay (_____ Days) Without Pay (_____ Days)
Please check appropriate reason for performance discussion:
Damage to Property
Violation of Company Policy/Procedure
Indicate Policy:
Falsification of Documents
Safety/Carelessness Inappropriate/Abusive Language
Harassment Insubordination Other
Yes No
Has Employee received prevous performance feedback for this or related issues?
If yes, list dates, level and violation of previouse performance feedback:
(Specific description of incident, attach any supporting documentation)
Facts related to incident:
Corrective Actions to be Taken:
Corrective Actions/Timeframe:
Consequences of Failure to Improve:
The above has been discussed with me by my supervisor. I understand the contents and acknowledge and understand the corrective action required. I
also acknowledge and understand the potential consequences of noncompliance.
Employee refused to sign this form and all attached documentation.
Employee Statement:
If any additional occurrence of a similar nature occures, further corrective action/counseling will occur, which can include termination of employment.
Employee's Signature Date Supervisor's Signature Date
Witness' Signature Date HR Signature Date
The above disciplinary action has been noted and this form will be made part of the above employee's permanent file, as of this date.
HR Form Created 04/26/2019
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