OMB Approved No.:1505-0266
Expiration date: 04/30/2022
Request for Reallocated Funds
The undersigned entity (the “ERA Grantee”) received its full allocation of funds for the delivery
of emergency rental assistance (“ERA”) in accordance with section 501 of division N of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the “Act”). The ERA Grantee hereby requests an
additional $ of ERA funds from any amounts the U.S. Department of the
Treasury (“Treasury”) makes available for reallocation under section 501(d) of the Act.
Treasury has published guidance, available on its website, setting forth the procedures for the
reallocation of ERA funds under the Act. In accordance with the guidance, the ERA Grantee
hereby certifies that:
1. it has obligated at least 65% of its total ERA award funds under the Act (the “ERA1
Award”) as of the date below; and
2. its jurisdiction has a demonstrated need for the ERA funds requested above and the
capacity to use those funds pursuant to applicable requirements by September 30,
The ERA Grantee acknowledges that any funds remaining from its ERA1 Award must be
obligated by September 30, 2022, and such funds not obligated or expended at that time must
be returned to Treasury as part of the award closeout process pursuant to 2 C.F.R. 200.344(d).
As permitted by the Act, the ERA Grantee hereby requests that Treasury extend the deadline
for obligating any reallocated funds received pursuant to this request to December 29, 2022.
This form includes and incorporates the attached Exhibits A (Obligation Report); B (Evidence of
Demonstrated Need; and C (Voluntarily Reallocated Funds).
[Official’s Name]
[Official’s Title]
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT NOTICE: The information collected will be used for the U.S. Government to determine the
reallocation of emergency rental assistance funds. The estimated burden associated with this collection of information is 75
minutes per response. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden
should be directed to the Office of Privacy, Transparency and Records, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave.,
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220. DO NOT send the form to this address. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB.
AUTHORITY: Solicitation of this information is authorized by section 501 of division N of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2021 (the “Act”)
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