State Small Business Credit Initiative Application
9 – Compliance and Oversight
Please use pages 2 through 6 to describe the staff compliance and oversight.
Staff Compliance and Oversight: Describe what reporting mechanisms, audits, or other
internal controls and compliance activities (a) the applicant has in place or (b) need to be
implemented to enable the applicant to conduct oversight and meet annual and quarterly
reporting requirements for the proposed program(s). Please include information for all proposed
programs. In addition, explain the steps you will take to promote a fair, competitive, and open
selection and contracting process. These steps could include application and enforcement of the
jurisdiction’s existing procurement and ethics policies, as well as new measures that your
jurisdiction chooses to implement specifically for the SSBCI program. Examples of such policies
to include limitation or disclosure of political contributions to the jurisdiction’s officials with
authority to select SSBCI contractors; reporting requirements for lobbying activity, including
lobbying related to the SSBCI contractor selection process or program implementation; or
request-for-proposal policies to govern the process for evaluating bids for SSBCI-related
contracts. Please provide your narrative on pages 2-6.
Refer to the SSBCI Capital Program Policy Guidelines, Section VI. Approving States for
Participation, subsection c. Contractual Arrangements – 12 U.S.C. § 5703(c); Section VII.
Approving State CAPs, subsection f. Loan Purpose Requirements and Prohibitions – 12 U.S.C. §
5704(e)(7); Section VIII. Approving State OCSPs, subsection f. Loan/Investment Purpose
Requirements; and Prohibitions – 12 U.S.C. § 5705(f), and Section X. Reporting.