PART B: Non-Public School Eligibility and Assurances
By checking each box below, I affirm that the following is true and correct regarding my school.
☐ The school requesting services or assistance is a non-profit school.
☐ The school requesting services or assistance is accredited, licensed, or otherwise approved to operate in
accordance with State law.
☐ The school requesting services or assistance existed and operated prior to March 13, 2020.
☐ The school requesting services or assistance did not and will not apply for and receive a loan under the
Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(37)) that is made
on or after December 27, 2020.
NOTE: If a non-public school applies for a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020, but does not receive
funds under the PPP, the school may apply for services or assistance under the EANS program, as long as
the non-public school meets the requirements and deadlines of this application. If a non-public school
applied for or received a PPP loan prior to December 27, 2020, it remains eligible for the EANS program.
Similarly, if a non-public school applies for but does not receive services or assistance through EANS,
nothing in the Education Stabilization Fund would preclude that non-public school from applying for and
receiving a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020.
☐ None of the services or assistance for which I am requesting support in Part D of this application have
already been supported by a loan under the PPP.
NOTE: The Alabama State Department of Education may require a non-public school applicant to submit
reasonable and appropriate documentation to substantiate one or more of the above eligibility assurances.
By checking each box below, I acknowledge the following:
☐ Control of funds for services and assistance provided to a non-public school under the EANS program
and title to materials, equipment and property purchased with such funds, must be in a public agency, and
a public agency must administer such funds, materials, equipment, and property. Therefore, the Alabama
State Department of Education or another public agency will assume ownership and title to all materials,
equipment and property purchased using EANS funds, including reimbursements. The non-public school
agree to the monitoring of services and assistance provided
☐ All services or assistance provided under the EANS program must be secular, neutral, and non-
☐ Equipment and supplies purchased with EANS funds for students and teachers in a non-public school
may be used for the authorized purposes of the EANS program during the period of performance (through
September 30, 2023) or until the equipment and supplies are no longer needed for the purposes of the EANS
program. The non-public school agree to the monitoring of services and assistance provided.