This checklist m
ust be completed by the applicant to determine if the project is eligible for expedited review and
size is 10KW AC CEC rating or less Y N
The solar array is roof mounted on a single family dwelling, duplex or accessory structure Y N
The solar system is utility interactive without battery storage Y N
Installation will not require excavation Y N
At least 3 feet of path and clearance is provide for roof-top HVAC equipment controls Y N
A permit application has been filled out and signed Y N
The text of all documents is at least
8-point font Y N
Submittal sheets provided for all equipment at original (not reduced) size Y N
Photos of the panel showing main breaker and bus capacity are provided Y N
The system is not over 4 pounds per square foot Y N
The roof has a single roof covering without overlay Y N
The roof has been verified to be structurally sound without signs of alteration or damage Y N
3-foot access paths are provided at gable ends, ridges, hips and valleys. Clearance at
hips and valleys need be only 18 inches per side when panels are on both sides. Y N
Access paths are 3 feet wide between multiple arrays Y N
No conductors/conduits are run in the 3 feet of clearance at the ridge Y N
Fire classification of the system is consistent with the roof requirements Y N
The proposed fire access locations are shown on the plans and a note indicating that Fire Access
location will not be placed over doors or windows or otherwise obstructed has been provided Y N
All required safety labeling is shown and coordinated with the plans for placement locations Y N
Is the plane of the modules parallel to the plan of the roof? Y N
Is the clearance between the modules and the roof between 2 to 10 inches? Y N
Modules do not overhang roof eaves, edges, hips or valleys Y N
A roof plan showing the rack and stand-off locations has been provided Y N
Manufacturer’s data or structural calculations are provided for support of the system Y N
All roof-top obstructions are clearly identified on the roof plan including conduit runs Y N
No more than 4 PV module strings are connected to each Maximum Power Point Tracking
(MPPT) input where source circuit fusing is included in the inverter Y N
No more than 2 strings per MPPT input where source fusing is not included Y N
Fuses (if needed) are rated to the series fuse rating of the PV Module Y N
No more than one non-inverter-integrated DC combiner is utilized per inverter Y N
For central inverter systems, no more than 2 inverters are utilized Y N
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The PV System is connected to the load side of the utility distribution equipment Y N
The PV System is connected to a single phase AC service panel with a bus rating of 225 AMPs or less Y N
Line drawings and load calculations are provided including conduit fill calculations as applicable Y N
Safety labeling is depicted on the plans with graphic representations Y N
1. A plot plan is required which identifies the locations of all equipment, fire access points, and building setbacks.
The plot plan must show all site obstructions to fire access.
2. Provide a legend to identify all roof-top equipment/obstructions
3. Graphically depict all safety clearances on the plans
4. If the panel is upgraded clearly indicate this on the line drawing
5. If the main breaker is to be de-rated, provide calculations that support the proposed size including all special
sources such as pool equipment.
6. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors must be checked at final inspection
7. All documents must be permanent ink on durable paper and the font of all text shall not be less than
8 point font
in its printed form.
If any items are circled N (no) the project is not eligible for expedited solar permitting and must go through the standard
application process.
As the responsible party for the project (contract/owner/agent) I understand that I am responsible for the accuracy of all
information provided in this application. I also understand that revisions to this project will require submittal of a
revised application to the Building Department and plan review of all revised documents. All such change orders will
incur additional fees consistent with the City of Madera’s “Schedule of Fees and Charges”.
Job Address _________________________________________________
Contractor __________________________________________________ License # _________________________
SIGNATURE __________________________ Date ________________
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