City of Cottage Grove – Electrical Fee Worksheet
Reconnect Existing Feeder/Circuits (panel board replacements)
Service/Power Supply 0-400 Amp
Service/Power Supple 401-800 Amp
Service/Power Supply Over 800 Amp
(Over 250 Volts) Service/Power Supply 0-400 Amp
(Over 250 Volts) Service/Power Supple 401-800 Amp
(Over 250 Volts) Service/Power Supply Over 800 Amp
(Over 250 Volts) Circuits Under 200 Amp
(Over 250 Volts) Circuits Above 200 Amp
New Single-Family Dwelling (0-25 circuits & feeders per unit)
New Multi Family Dwelling (Same Parcel)
Existing Single-Family Dwelling (0-14 feeder/circuits are
Existing Single-Family Dwelling (15+ feeder/circuits
are installed/extended
Retrofit of Existing Lighting Fixtures
Separate Bonding Inspection
Inspection of Concrete-Encased Grounding Electrode
Technology Circuits & Circuits less than 50 Volts
Street, Parking & Outdoor Lighting Standards
Transformers for Light, Heat & Power (0-10 KVA)
Transformers for Light, Heat & Power (Over 10 KVA)
Transformers for Electronic Power Supplies, Signs & Outline
Carnivals, Fairs, Transient Projects: Min + Power Supplies &
Commercial Remodel – 2 Inspections
Commercial Remodel with Ceiling – 3 Inspections
Total permit fee is calculated using the above fee schedule or $40 multiplied by the number
of required inspection trips plus the fees above, whichever is greater.
Solar PV System Worksheet
0 watts to and including 5,000 watts, $90 or
5,001 watts to and including 10,000 watts, $150 or
10,001 watts to and including 20,000 watts, $225 or
20,001 watts to and including 30,000 watts, $300 or
30,001 watts to and including 40,000 watts, $375 or
40,001 watts to and including 1,000,000 watts, $375 and $25 for each additional
10,000 watts over 40,000 watts or
(7) 1,000,001 watts to 5,000,000 watts, $3,975 and $15 for each additional 10,000
watts over 1,000,001 watts or
(8) 5,000,001 watts and larger, $12,975 and $10 for each additional 10,000 watts over