Community Development Department
12800 Ravine Parkway South
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Planning Division
Telephone: 651-458-2827
Fax: 651-458-2897
Planning Commission Application completed and signed by applicant and property owners.
Provide the property identification number and complete legal description of the property.
Attach a written narrative explaining the reason for the application.
Complete the “Applicant’s Response to Ordinance Criteria” form.
Submit three 24” X 36” plan sets.
Submit one 8½ X 11” and one 11” X 17” reductions of all maps/exhibits.
Provide plans in a .pdf format via CD or e-mailed to
Submit a grading plan and drainage calculations, if applicable to project, to the South
Washington Watershed District, 8301 Valley Creek Road, Woodbury, MN 55125, and to the
City of Cottage Grove.
Submit the $400.00 application fee for a conditional use permit plus escrow ($1,000 for
residential properties or $5,000 for commercial properties). OR
Submit the $300.00 annual application fee for an interim conditional use permit.
Applicant submits application, exhibits, narrative explaining the reason for the application,
the application fee, and the escrow.
The City determines if application is complete.
The City will notify property owners within 500 feet.
The City will publish the public hearing notice.
Planning staff will prepare Staff Reports.
Planning Commission holds public hearing.
Planning Commission and staff's recommendations forwarded to City Council.
Action by City Council.
The City records the Resolution with Washington County.
Applicant requests building permit(s).
Community Development Department
12800 Ravine Parkway South
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Planning Division
Telephone: 651-458-2827
Fax: 651-458-2897
In order to aid in the review process, please give a DETAILED response to the following ordinance criteria on this form
or on separate exhibits. Your ability to meet the criteria is what the Planning Commission/City Council is required, in
part, to base their review, so be specific.
A. Will the use be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and with the purpose, intent, and applicable
standards of the Zoning Ordinance? EXPLAIN.
B. The use shall be located, designed, maintained and operated to be compatible with the existing or intended
character of that zoning district in which it is located. How does the proposed use fit these criteria?
C. The use shall not depreciate values of surrounding property. Explain effects of the proposed use on surrounding
property values.
D. The use shall not be hazardous, detrimental or disturbing to present and potential surrounding land uses due to
noises, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water pollution vibration, general unsightliness or other nuisances.
Explain effects of proposed use.
E. The use shall generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets as defined by the Transportation Element of
the Comprehensive Plan. The use shall not create traffic congestion, unsafe access, or parking needs that will
cause inconveniences to the adjoining properties. Explain the transportation needs for the proposed use.
F. The use shall be served adequately by essential public services such as streets, police, fire protection and utilities.
Explain how the proposed use will be served.
G. The use shall not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and shall
not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the City. Justify this statement.
H. The use shall preserve and incorporate the site's important natural and scenic features into the development of
adjacent vacant land. Will these criteria be met?
I. The use shall cause minimal adverse environmental effects. List any effects.
Response to CUP/ICUP Criteria
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Applicant Name: Case #:
J. The use shall not adversely affect the potential development of adjacent vacant land. List any potential problems.
In addition to the general criteria for Conditional Use Permits, the following additional requirements apply to Interim
Conditional Use Permits:
K. The period(s) of time for which the Interim Conditional Use Permit is to be granted will terminate before any
adverse effects are felt upon adjacent property.
L. There shall be adequate assurance that the property will be left in suitable condition after the use is terminated.
What measures are you intending to take to return the property to a suitable condition?
M. The use conforms to the zoning regulations. ______Yes ______No
N. What is the time frame you intend on utilizing the Interim Conditional Use Permit?
O. Permission of the use will not impose additional costs on the public. Are any additional public safety or public
works personnel required? How do you intend to reimburse the City?
P. The user agrees to any conditions that the governing body deems appropriate for permission of the use.
revised form 8/2019