Certification Statement and Information Release
I, (print name) declare that the information provided by me on this application is true, correct
and complete to the best of my knowledge and that if granted assistance I will use the funding only for educational purposes. I
understand this service is provided due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to remote learning requirements. I under-
stand that SCR staff will be verifying my student’s utilization of these internet services in doing assigned homework and staying
in contact with his/her teachers. If the internet is not being utilized for these purposes, I will be denied services. I understand that
I will be requested to repay, through legal means, all or a portion of the assistance granted if the funds are not used for the state
purpose. I give my permission for all information on this form to be shared between the Ho-Chunk Nation, my State of Resi-
dence and any other pertinent agency or organization. I also give the Ho-Chunk Nation Education Department and its staff, per-
mission to contact any or all school officials, persons or other individuals regarding this request for the purpose of gathering in-
formation to determine grant status, approval and program compliance. If the circumstances surrounding this application change,
including the amount of funding eligibility, I will immediately inform the Pre K-12 Educational Grant Program.
Parent/Guardian Signature : Date :
Program Compliance and Appeal Acknowledgement
I, (print name) understand that the Pre K-12 Educational Grant Program is a supplemental fund-
ing program. I also understand that as a parent/guardian, I maintain sole responsibility for meeting my child’s entire educational
funding needs. I further understand that all applications are subject to approval and funding availability. I also understand that
funding for this program is limited and therefore is awarded on a first come, first served basis. Incomplete applications will not
be considered and I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure that I complete and provide all requested information. I
also understand that applications that are incomplete or are missing some or all of the requested information will not be pro-
cessed until all the information is submitted by me to the Pre K-12 Educational Grant Program staff. I understand that I will be
notified by letter, email or telephone of any missing or insufficient information that is required in order for my application to be
processed. The Ho-Chunk Nation is not responsible for application completion, information gathering, vendor contacts or any
other parent/guardian/applicant responsibilities with regard to the application for grant benefits as outlined in the Pre K-12 Edu-
cational Grant Program guidelines.
I further understand that in the event that I have complied with all Program Guidelines and deadlines and I submitted all request-
ed information and I my application is denied for reasons other than non-compliance or a lack of funding, I may appeal that deci-
sion and that I must do so in writing, through certified mail at each level to the follow staff members within the prescribed
timeframe. Within 5 business days of the receipt of a decision I must contact the Division Manager with my appeal. The Division
Manager has 5 Business days to send a respond to my appeal. If I do not receive a response within 7 business days from the date
my grievance was received by the Division Manager I may file my appeal with the Executive Director of Education. The Execu-
tive Director of Education will respond to my appeal within 10 business days IF it is the decision of the Executive Director of
Education to overturn my denial. I understand that the Executive Director of Education has the final authority in the decision
process and if I do not receive a response within 12 business days from the date my appeal was received by the Executive Direc-
tor of Education, I must accept that my appeal was not granted. If I discuss my appeal in a public, political or external forum I
grant the Education Department and the Pre K-12 Educational Grant Program staff the right to discuss my case in that same fo-
rum. I understand that filing an appeal will not negatively impact my right to apply for future benefits through this Program and
will not be held against any future applications that I make.
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
Applications submitted without both signatures will be returned as incomplete.
These statements must be read, signed and dated.
Submit all Applications to:
FAX: (715) 284-1760
For questions or concerns please contact us at:
P.O. BOX 667
PHONE: (715) 284-4915 OR (800) 362-4476
Form Last Updated 4/27/20