Exposure Control Plan
Department of Safety and Environmental Management
Created: 4/25/18
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City departments are required to develop and maintain a department-specific Exposure Control Plan (ECP) that includes an exposure determination for the job classifications
within the department that could foreseeably be exposed to human blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) as employees perform their job functions.
Supervisors are required to review and update the department-specific Exposure Control Plans at least annually or whenever necessary to reflect new or modified tasks and
1. List all job titles in which all employees with that job title have an occupational exposure to human blood or OPIM.
2. List all job titles in which some employees with that job title have an occupational exposure to human blood or OPIM.
Task or Group of Tasks Where an Occupational Exposure Could
Work Practice or Engineering Control
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
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