Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart M, Part 61, Asbestos NESHAP; Arizona Revised Statutes § 49-421
et. Seq. and § 49-471 et. seq.; Arizona Administrative Code R18-2-1101 (A)(8)
Maricopa County has delegated authority from the EPA to enforce the Asbestos NESHAP within their respective
jurisdictional boundaries, excluding tribal lands. The Maricopa County Air Quality Department regulates all
asbestos renovation and demolition within Maricopa County.
That covers all demolitions and regulated renovation activities containing friable asbestos-containing material
greater than or equal to 160 square feet, 260 linear feet, or 35 cubic feet. This is determined by an Asbestos
Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) certified asbestos building inspector prior to demolition or
What is regulated by the NESHAP program?
All Demolition Activities regardless of the presence or non-presence of asbestos.
Facilities regulated by the program?
Public, commercial, industrial building and apartment complexes of greater than four (4) units. Two (2) or more
residential homes (this also includes two or more livable structures on a single property)
For more information on Maricopa County requirements, go to:
Prior to issuing a demolition permit for public, commercial or industrial building, apartment complexes of
greater than four (4) units or two (2) or more residential homes (this also includes two or more livable
structures on a single property), an asbestos renovation/demolition notification shall first be obtained from
Maricopa County. A copy of the receipt indicating the notification was obtained shall accompany the
application for demolition permit.
If the application for demolition permit is for a residential apartment containing four (4) or less units, or a single
family residence with only one livable structure on one property, these properties are exempt from the NESHAP
requirements. The property owner shall provide the following information:
City State Zip Phone
As the owner or agent of the structure located and the address above, I certify that:
The above building is a single family residential dwelling, or a residential apartment building containing
four (4) or less residential units, and is exempt from asbestos inspection requirements.
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