Demolition Application
Job Address: Zip Code:
Owner Name:
Business Name:
Contractor Name: ROC Number: Business License:
Demolition Request:
Native Plant permit number (if applicable)
DR number (if applicable)
Material of structural frame is
Material of exterior walls is
Material of interior walls is
Height of building stories
and approximately feet.
Distance of structure to public right-of-way on North
, South
Distance of structure to public right-of-way on East
, West
Date schedule for demolition from
Between the hours of
Building does does not contain a basement.
Square footage of Existing Structure: AC:
Non AC:
Applicant Name (please print) Applicant Signature Date
Official Use Only:
Request: Approved Denied Permit Number(s): Staff Initials:
Pedestrian Protection Required: Yes No
7447 E Indian School Road, Suite 105, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Phone: 480-312-2500
Demo Permit
Planning and Development Services Department
click to sign
click to edit
Demolition Application
Demolition Narrative
Indicate plans for the site once the demolition has occurred:
Briefly describe the method of demolition:
Describe route to be used to haul debris (haul route permit may be required if the amount of debris hauled is
over 5,000 cy or if Field Engineering determines a haul permit is necessary due to the location of the haul route
to and from the demo site. Contact Field Engineering for more information at 480-312-5750):
In addition, please submit:
- Two copy of the Site Plan to scale, indicating:
Structure(s) to be demolished
Dimensions from property line
Pavement and/or curbs
Area of debris piles
Location of construction fencing (if applicable, indicate material type to be used to contain debris)
Native Plants (if applicable)
NAOS (Natural Area Open Space), easements, etc (if applicable)
Utility lines to be demolished
Method of barricading after demolition
Method of Dust Control
- Letter from owner authorizing the demolition of the structure.
- Note: If pedestrian protection is required or if the use and/or closure of sidewalks, streets or alleys are
proposed, Field Engineering approvals of barricades fencing or other pedestrian protection will be required,
when applicable, before demolition permit can be issued. Call 480-312-5750 for more information.
- Note: Upon completion of the application and narrative, please see the Counter Reviewer for approval for
7447 E Indian School Road, Suite 105, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Phone: 480-312-2500
Demo Permit
Planning and Development Services Department
Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart M, Part 61, Asbestos NESHAP; Arizona Revised Statutes § 49-421
et. Seq. and § 49-471 et. seq.; Arizona Administrative Code R18-2-1101 (A)(8)
Maricopa County has delegated authority from the EPA to enforce the Asbestos NESHAP within their respective
jurisdictional boundaries, excluding tribal lands. The Maricopa County Air Quality Department regulates all
asbestos renovation and demolition within Maricopa County.
That covers all demolitions and regulated renovation activities containing friable asbestos-containing material
greater than or equal to 160 square feet, 260 linear feet, or 35 cubic feet. This is determined by an Asbestos
Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) certified asbestos building inspector prior to demolition or
What is regulated by the NESHAP program?
All Demolition Activities regardless of the presence or non-presence of asbestos.
Facilities regulated by the program?
Public, commercial, industrial building and apartment complexes of greater than four (4) units. Two (2) or more
residential homes (this also includes two or more livable structures on a single property)
For more information on Maricopa County requirements, go to:
Prior to issuing a demolition permit for public, commercial or industrial building, apartment complexes of
greater than four (4) units or two (2) or more residential homes (this also includes two or more livable
structures on a single property), an asbestos renovation/demolition notification shall first be obtained from
Maricopa County. A copy of the receipt indicating the notification was obtained shall accompany the
application for demolition permit.
If the application for demolition permit is for a residential apartment containing four (4) or less units, or a single
family residence with only one livable structure on one property, these properties are exempt from the NESHAP
requirements. The property owner shall provide the following information:
City State Zip Phone
As the owner or agent of the structure located and the address above, I certify that:
The above building is a single family residential dwelling, or a residential apartment building containing
four (4) or less residential units, and is exempt from asbestos inspection requirements.
Print Sign Date
Construction Document Application
Request for Site Visits and/or Inspections
This request concerns all property identified in the construction document (plan review) application.
Project Name:
Project Address:
1. I am the owner of the property, or I am the duly and lawfully appointed agent of the property and
have the authority from the owner to sign this request on the owner’s behalf. If the land has more
than one owner, then I am the agent for all owners, and the word “owner” refer to them all.
2. I have the authority from the owner to act for the owner before the City of Scottsdale regarding any
and all development application regulatory or related matter of every description involving all
property identified in the construction document.
1. I hereby request that the City of Scottsdale’s staff conduct site visits and/or inspections of the
property identified in the development application in order to efficiently process the application.
2. I understand that even though I have requested the City of Scottsdale’s staff conduct site visits
and/or inspections, city staff may determine that a site visit and/or an inspection is not necessary,
and may opt not to perform the site visit and/or an inspection.
Property owner /Property owners agent:
Print Name
City Use Only:
Submittal Date:
Plan review number:
7447 E Indian School Road, Suite 105, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Phone: 480-312-2500
Planning and Development Services Department
Arizona Revised Statutes Notice
§9-834. Prohibited acts by municipalities and employees; enforcement; notice
A. A municipality shall not base a licensing decision in whole or in part on a licensing requirement or
condition that is not specifically authorized by statute, rule, ordinance or code. A general grant of
authority does not constitute a basis for imposing a licensing requirement or condition unless the
authority specifically authorizes the requirement or condition.
B. Unless specifically authorized, a municipality shall avoid duplication of other laws that do not
enhance regulatory clarity and shall avoid dual permitting to the maximum extent practicable.
C. This section does not prohibit municipal flexibility to issue licenses or adopt ordinances or codes.
D. A municipality shall not request or initiate discussions with a person about waiving that person’s
E. This section may be enforced in a private civil action and relief may be awarded against a
municipality. The court may award reasonable attorney fees, damages, and all fees associated with
the license application to a party that prevails in an action against a municipality for a violation of this
F. A municipal employee may not intentionally or knowingly violate this section. A violation of this
section is cause for disciplinary action or dismissal pursuant to the municipality’s adopted personnel
G. This section does not abrogate the immunity provided by section 12-820.01 or 12-820.02.
Planning and Development Services Department
7447 E Indian School Road, Suite 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Phone: 480-312-2500