LSU | Graduate School
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Updated 11/2018
Graduate Defense Results
Email submission to
Student Information:
Name: LSU Student ID:
Official Major: Official Minor:
(if applicable)
Defense Date:
Exam Type:
Master’s Doctoral DMUS (Non-Thesis)
Thesis Non-Thesis General Final Pass Fail
Pass Fail Pass Fail
Exam Results: We, the undersigned committee members, were present and voted as follows:
Print Name Sign Name
Pass Fail Retake
Committee Chair
Pass Fail Retake
Co-Chair (if applicable)
Pass Fail Retake
Dean’s Representative
Pass Fail Retake
Minor Professor (if applicable)
Pass Fail Retake
Pass Fail Retake
Pass Fail Retake
If a student fails the exam and/or retake has been requested, please attach explanation specifying if the student will be
allowed to retake the exam and, if so, the amount of time he/she has to retake it.
Administrative Approval
Dean of the Graduate School: Date: