LSU | Graduate School
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Updated 1/2019
Master’s Degree Audit and Defense Requirement Checklist
You are responsible for reviewing this checklist before the defense is scheduled. Failure to satisfy the listed criteria will
result in the given defense being disallowed, in which case it must be retaken.
Student Information:
- Registered for semester during in which the defense occurs. This may include Thesis or non-thesis hours,
depending on your department.
- Have an approved degree audit.
- Overall LSU GPA for eligible courses since beginning graduate work at LSU is greater than or equal to 3.000
(includes half of the coursework at the 7000-level in courses taken while in a graduate program, but does not
include transfer courses to meet the half requirement.)
- Overall LSU GPA on the degree audit (excluding transfer courses) is greater than or equal to 3.000.
- All committee members have agreed to attend the oral portion of the defense or have requested a substitute. There
must be at least one full member of the graduate faculty for master’s students and two full members for doctoral
students. There may not be a substitute for the chair. If a minor is declared, the minor department must be
represented on the committee. If you are including a member of Southern University’s graduate faculty, indicate
the institution with ‘(SU)’ after the name.
- At the end of the semester in which the defense is given, there are no more than a minimal number of course work
hours remaining. For questions, contact your Graduate School academic officer.
LSU | Graduate School
Page 2 of 2
Updated 1/2019
Request for Master’s Defense and Degree Audit
This form must be submitted to The Graduate School three weeks prior to the defense date or by current semester deadline for
Email submission to
LSU Student ID:
Degree Typ
(M.A., M.S.): Official Major: Official Minor:
Defense Information:
Select One:
Thesis Non-Thesis
Defense Date/ Time:
/ Room : Thesis Title:
Note: If the title changes after the defense, please ensure the Approval Sheet reflects the new title.
Members (Print Names Below):
Committee Chair: Signature:
Co-Chair (if applicable):
Minor Professor (if applicable): Signature:
Department Chair/Grad Advisor: Signature:
Dean of the Graduate School: Date:
Coursework Information:
List all relevant LSU graduate courses and hours required toward this degree only. (Ex: CHEM 7947 (3), CHEM 8000 (6), etc.)
Coursework Earned in Major Program:
Coursework Earned in Minor Program (if a formal minor has been declared):
Courses Transferred or Petitioned (list institution):
Total Hours Completed:
Courses Remaining:
Total Hours Remaining:
For Office Use Only: