dec/pet info sheet (rev 07/20)
After You Submit the Decrease Petition. Once the petition is accepted for filing, it is
promptly submitted to an Agency staff member trained to assist landlords and tenants in
resolving disputes. The staff member notifies the parties by mail that the decrease petition
has been filed and schedules a mediation conference in an attempt to resolve the problems
Mediation can take several forms. The mediator holds an informal meeting with both parties.
Sometimes the issues can be resolved through telephone conversations.
If all the issues raised in a decrease petition are not resolved through mediation, the
unresolved issues are forwarded to the Hearings Department where the petition will be
scheduled for a formal hearing. The parties will be sent a notice of the date, time, and
location of the hearing at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing.
Hearing. In most cases, a Rent Control Investigator will call to make an appointment for an
inspection of your unit before the hearing. Be prepared to point out to the inspector all
conditions included on your notice and petition. Be sure to have a copy of your notice and
petition available for reference during the inspection. The inspector will take photographs,
prepare a written report, and testify at the hearing about the conditions in your apartment. For
further information on preparing for a hearing, see the information brochure entitled "How to
Prepare for a Rent Control Hearing."
Please note that if you are alleging services or amenities to your unit have been reduced, and
your tenancy began before January 1, 1999, you must be prepared to prove these services
were available to the unit in April, 1978. If the service is shown on the first registration form
filed for the property, the burden of proof will be on the landlord to show it was not provided in
April, 1978. If the service is not listed on the first registration form, the tenant must prove the
service was provided in April, 1978.
If you moved in 1999 or later, you must prove that the service or amenity was provided when
you initially moved in.
Effect of Decrease in Rent. Per Regulation 4203, the decreases that are granted will be
calculated from the first rent due date after the petition was filed. If the hearing process is
delayed or continued for good cause, this past reduction period may be shortened. Please be
aware that all decreases are deducted from the existing Maximum Allowable Rent - not a
lower rent level you may be paying. Therefore, if the rent you pay is less than the Maximum
Allowable Rent, the effect of any decrease may not lower the rent you are actually paying.
Other Places to Seek Help. If you believe there are conditions in your unit that violate any
Housing or Health and Safety codes, you may also contact the City’s Code Enforcement
Division at (310) 458-4984 or the LA County Department of Health at (888) 700-9995 to file a
complaint for these items with those agencies.
If you have any questions, please call the Rent Control Board at (310) 458-8751 and speak
with an Information Coordinator for further assistance. Also the Board’s web site at may be helpful.