If you do not provide all the evidence we need, we may not be able to pay you any benefit.
Do not send this form back until you have all the proof you need to go with it. This helps us
provide a better service. You have one month from the date of issue to give us the completed form
and all the proof we need.
Evidence of earnings from employment
We need to see the last 5 weekly payslips or last 2 monthly payslips or a
Evidence of earnings from self-employment
If you are about to start or have only just started self-employment, phone us on 0300
304 8000 for more information.
If you have been self-employed for more than one year, we need you to provide your
most recent audited trading accounts or complete the ‘self-employed income and
expenditure certificate’ and give us details of your self-employment for the last 12 months.
Evidence of benefits, pensions and allowances
Such as current award notices, pension or order books or letters from the DWP or HM
Revenue and Customs showing how much is received.
Evidence of any other income
Such as a recent letter, grant notification or advice slip from the person or organisation
paying the money or a letter from the Court showing maintenance payments. We need to see
evidence of any money people pay you for accommodation.
Evidence of money you pay out
If you pay for childcare, we need to see a recent letter from the childcare provider giving
their name and address, names of the children receiving care, the amount charged and the
registration number if applicable.
If you pay into a pension scheme, we will need a recent letter from the pension company
showing the amount and frequency of payments, payslips showing the amount and
frequency of pension contributions.
Evidence of capital, savings and investments
Such as bank statements, building society statements or passbooks, Post Office passbooks,
certificates for premium bonds, National Savings, ISAs, PEPs, TESSAs, stocks, shares,
income bonds and unit trusts.
The evidence you send must show transactions for at least the last 2 months
I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete.
I know the information I give will be used to work out any Council Tax Support I may be due
through Council Tax Reduction under S13A and Schedule 1a of the Local Government Finance
Act 1992.
I understand that if I give information that is incorrect or incomplete, you may take action against
me. This may include court action.
I agree to tell Somerset West and Taunton Council immediately, in writing, about any change in
my circumstances that might affect my award.
I know that if I do not report any changes affecting my support, or I give incorrect or incomplete
information, I must pay any Council Tax that becomes due.
Use a smartphone or mobile device to take photographs of the evidence
you need to support your claim. Send the claim and evidence to us by email.