For additional information on Development Blueprints and other career development tools, visit My Apron > P\7+'+5> My Career & Development > Career Tools > Career Development
Do you want to grow in your current position or develop skills to prepare for your next role?
Create a Development Blueprint to get started! By writing down your goals and laying out an action plan, you
are much more likely to achieve success. Remember most people can only work on a few things at a time, so
don’t try to conquer the world! Check-in with your manager regularly to help you stay on track.
Own your development. Own your career. It’s all about YOU!
My current development efforts are
focused on…
What are my talents and strengths to use
more or develop further?
What I Want to Improve or Learn
What are the important areas for me to
Check-in with your mentor/coach and manager periodically to discuss
Growing in my current position
Preparing for my next role
Desired Next Role:
What Do I Want to Accomplish?
What is my specific goal and what strength
or development area does it address?
What action(s) will I take to make progress?
What is the Status or Result?
What actions have I taken? Did I achieve my goal?