Conference Tracking No.
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30. Cost Comments/Miscellaneous Cost Description
31. Additional Funding (received from outside of the Department) Estimated Actual
Grant Funding
IAA Funding
32. What steps were taken to minimize conference costs per FTR §301-74.1(a), (c); §301-74.3 - 74.5?
This is an OIG requirement; please complete only when submitting the Actual Cost of the conference.
33. What procurement method was utilized?
34. Was the contract awarded on a competitive basis, three sites considered, and the records of each alternative site
maintained per FTR §301-74.14?
35. Was the contract awarded before conference approval?
36. Additional Comments/Remarks
General Review Section Yes No
Are Bureau Memos, Attestations complete, and included for the Conference threshold? If no, explain.
Is expedited approval required? If yes, provide the latest date approval is needed and why.
3. Is the per diem within allowable limits? If not, is the necessary justification for approval included in the
package? Provide an explanation.
GSA Per-Diem Rates DOD Per-Diem Rates State Department Per-Diem Rates
4. Are meals provided at the conference? If yes, are travelers aware of the M&IE reduction? If no,
Is there a copy of the conference agenda included in the package?
6. Are there any sponsorships or agreements with other parties? If yes, explain.
7. Will all invitational travelers be placed on travel authorizations? If no, explain.
8. Before issuing a travel authorization, will the Bureau decide that non-Federal travelers provide a
“direct service” to the Government? Please provide a statement that attests to this determination and