Community Development Department
Town of Fort Myers Beach 2525 Estero Blvd. Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 September 03, 2020
Phone : 239 765-0202 Fax: 239 765-0909
Type of Request: Zoning Verification Letter DEP Setback Consistency Letter
Site Address:
Strap Number:
Applicant Name: Phone #:
Applicant Address: Email:
Authorized Agent: Phone #:
Agent Address: Email:
Description (use additional sheets if necessary):
Additional Information / Submittal Requirements:
A Zoning Verification request verifies the current zoning and allowable uses on particular piece of property located
within the town limits of the Town of Fort Myers Beach. There are two types of zoning verifications the Town provides:
Zoning Verification Letters (ZVL) and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Setback Consistency Letters.
More complex requests, i.e. an interpretation of the Land Development Code and/or Comprehensive plan, or to answer a
question as to how the land development code applies to a situation may result in the need for further administrative
action and additional applications and fees.
Zoning Verification Letter will provide existing zoning district, future land use designation, a list of permitted
uses (Chapter 34, Land Development Code), setbacks, copies of any specific ordinances or resolutions governing
the subject property, and approximate flood elevation as provided by the 2008 Flood Insurance Rate Map
o Submit completed form
o Application fee (for each parcel)
DEP Setback Consistency Letter includes a review of the proposed development for compliance with the
existing zoning district, future land use designation and density requirements within the development standards
as set forth in Chapter 34 and the Comprehensive Plan
o Submit completed form
o Application fee
o Copy of all applicable site plans for the proposed development
Please be advised that the zoning verification letter is provided for convenience and only verifies information that could be
discovered by consulting publicly available documents. This zoning verification letter is not an interpretation of the Fort Myers
Beach Land Development Code or the Fort Myers Beach Comprehensive Plan, and is not a development order, development permit,
or action by the Town of Fort Myers Beach. Please be aware that the information provided herein is based on current regulations
and can be subject to change with enactment or amendment of ordinances. If you require action by the Town of Fort Myers Beach,
apply for a development permit, administrative action, or public hearing as provided in the Fort Myers Beach Land Development
Code. If you have any further questions, please contact the Community Development Department.
Applicant Signature Print Name Date
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