Town of Fort Myers Beach
\\FMB-DC1\Folders 2\Community Development\Administrative Documents\Applications, Permits, Forms, etc\Updated Permit Applications WORD\Letter of Substantial Compliance - Landscape.docx
1) Letter of Substantial Compliance must be filled out completely, signed and sealed by
development’s Landscape Architect of Record.
2) A request for final inspection must accompany the letter of substantial compliance.
3) Changes:
a) If the as-built construction contains minor changes from the approved development
order plans that are inconsequential and which do not substantially effect the
technical requirements of the LDC, an application for a Minor Change (see LDC section
10-120) may be submitted along with the letter of substantial compliance.
Pursuant to LDC Section 10-183(a), please submit:
1. Three (3) site plans, highlighting the changes and sealed by the development’s
Landscape Architect.
2. A list of the changes in letter form.
b) If the as-built construction contains changes from the approved development order
plans that effect the technical requirements of the LDC or which exceed the limitations
of LDC Section 10-120 for minor changes, an application for an Amendment (see LDC
Section 10-118) must be submitted and approved prior to submission of a letter of
substantial compliance by the Landscape Architect. .