(Please type or print)
G I specifically deny the following facts stated in the Complaint: ...............................................................................
G I am legally withholding my rent because: .............................................................................................................
G The landlord is trying to evict me for my exercising my rights as follows: ...........................................................
G I have a written lease which has not expired and the landlord has not given me notice that he/she is terminating
my lease.
G I have not received a notice from the landlord telling me to leave the premises, and I do not have a written lease.
G If I have ever owed the landlord any rent, I have paid it all or have paid it within the time required by law.
G I was not properly notified of this court action: .....................................................................................................
G The landlord’s Complaint fails to state facts which would allow him/her to evict me: ..........................................
G There is another person against whom this action should be brought: ...................................................................
G I have not been properly named in the Complaint: .................................................................................................
G There is another Summary Process action pending against me.
G I am a tenant in a public housing program and my landlord did not get the required permission before beginning
this eviction case.
G I have other defenses as follows: ............................................................................................................................
IMPORTANT: In some cases, the Court has the power to give you time to find a new place to live even if you do not
have any of the listed defenses. If you wish the Court to determine whether you are entitled to it, please check below: