Texas Woman's University
School of Physical Therapy
Practicum/ Independent Study/ Supervised Teaching/ Field Research Experiences
Course Description
Directed experience in a specialized area of physical therapy. Content may include teaching,
administration, research, or advanced clinical skills.
Directions: Any post professional student who enrolls in an independent study (PT 6911, PT
6913), practicum (PT 6101, PT 6103), field research (PT 6303), or supervised teaching course (PT
6013) must complete the agreement form and submit it for advisor's approval. The student will
submit: specific title (for 6911 or 6913 only), course objectives, and evaluation criteria for the
practicum or independent study experience on the agreement form.
This agreement must be completed and approved prior to registering for the course.
Course Objectives
The student will be given the opportunity to work in his/her area of special interest with
supervision. The student will expand and improve his/her own professional knowledge and
skills in the area of interest.
Unit Description
Each practicum, supervised teaching, field research, or independent study experience will be
designed individually by the student and the faculty advisor. Credit may be given for 1, 2, or 3
hours. Credit hours are determined as follows:
If the student performs fewer than the above contact hours, the additional hours will be
negotiated by the student and faculty advisor (e.g., the advisor may assign a special project for
the student to complete the additional contact hours).