Cocktail Room License
A cocktail room license can only be issued to applicants who already have a distiller’s license issued by the
state. Please review Title 3 Chapter 12 of the city code for complete details. All licenses expire December
31 of each year. Following is the process to obtain a cocktail room license:
1. Application forms, fees and a Certificate of Insurance showing liquor liability coverage through
December 31 of the current year should be submitted to the city of Farmington.
2. A background check will be performed by the Farmington Police Department.
3. A public hearing is required to be held at a City Council meeting. The public hearing requires 10
days’ notice prior to the meeting. The public hearing notice is submitted to the newspaper a week
prior to this 10-day period. Council meetings are held the first and third Mondays of every month.
4. Upon City Council approval, the application is submitted to the state for approval and a license is
issued. The state can take up to one week to approve it. The entire application process takes
approximately four weeks.
5. Fees: Cocktail Room License $250/year
Investigation Fee $100
If you have questions, please contact:
Cynthia Muller, Administrative Assistant
City of Farmington
430 Third Street
Farmington, MN 55024
Tel: 651-280-6803
Checklist for Cocktail Room License
Applicant must have distiller’s license issued by the state.
Business Name: _________________________________________
Please return this list with your application materials. Incomplete applications cannot be
processed until all of the items listed are received and complete.
Required Applicant City Staff
Documents Initials Initials
1. City of Farmington Cocktail Room License Application ____________ ____________
2. State Certification Form On-Sale Cocktail Room License __________ __________
3. Copy of Distiller’s License __________ ___________
4. Workers’ Comp. Certificate of Compliance ____________ ____________
5. All applicable fees (See fee schedule below) ____________ ____________
6. Certificate of liability insurance __________ __________
7. Floor plan of premises __________ __________
Cocktail Room License Fees
Cocktail Room Fee $250/year
Investigation Fee $100
(Not charged for renewals)
Application for Cocktail Room License
Applicant must have a distiller’s license issued by the state first.
If a corporation, an officer must execute this application; if a partnership, LLC, a partner must execute this application.
Applicant’s Full Name: __________________________________________ Date of Birth ____/___/_____
(First) (Full Middle Name) (Last)
Are you a U.S. citizen? ____ Yes ____ No Naturalized? ___Yes ___No
If yes, date/place _____________________________
Trade Name or DBA: ____________________________________________________________________
Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________
(Business, partnership, LLC, corporation)
Business Address:______________________________________________________________________
(Street) (City, State, ZIP) (County)
Business Phone: ___________________________ Applicant’s Home Phone:______________________
Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: ________________________ Policy # ___________
Licensee’s MN Sales & Use Tax ID # _____________________ Federal Tax ID # ___________________
If a corporation, give name (first, middle & last), title, address and date of birth for each officer. If a
partnership, LLC, give name, address and date of birth of each partner:
Partner/Officer Full Name & Title Address DOB
__________________________________ _________________________________ __________
__________________________________ _________________________________ __________
__________________________________ _________________________________ __________
Date of Incorporation ___/____/________ State ________ Certificate Number ___________________
Is corporation authorized to do business in Minnesota? _____Yes _____No
If a subsidiary of another corporation, give name and address of parent corporation: __________________
Names (first, middle & last), and addresses of all persons who will own or be actively or inactively involved
in the management of the establishment where the license will be used.
NOTE: The location manager must be listed.
Full Name & Title Address DOB
__________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________
__________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________
__________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________
__________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________
Please answer all of the following:
___Yes ___No Has the applicant, partners, officers or employees ever has any Liquor Law violations
in Minnesota or elsewhere, including State Liquor Control Penalties? If yes, please
attach explanation with date, charges and final outcome.
___Yes ___No During the past license year, has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil
Liability Law (Dram Shop) M.S. 340A.802. If yes, please attach a copy of the
___Yes ___No Has the applicant, partners, officers or employees had an intoxicating liquor license
within five years of this application?
___Yes ___No Do the applicant have any interest, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor
establishments in Minnesota? If yes, please give the name and address of the
___Yes ___No Does any person other than the applicants listed here, have any right, title or interest
in the furniture, fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? If yes, attach the
names and details.
___Yes ___No Will you serve liquor on Sunday?
___Yes ___No Do you acknowledge review of the Farmington City Code Chapter 3 regarding
alcoholic beverages? (Can be viewed on the City’s website, or paper copies are
available upon request.)
Name of building owner: ___________________ Owner’s address:_______________________________
Does the building owner have any connection, direct or indirect, with the applicant? ___Yes ___No
Are property taxes current? ___Yes ___No Posted occupant load of establishment: ____________
Are there any plans currently pending or anticipated for the sale or transfer of the business or premises for
which the license is applied? ___Yes ___ No
Days/hours food will be available: _________________________________________________________
Number of people restaurant employs: _____ Will food service be the principal business? ___Yes ___No
I certify that I have read this entire application and that the responses given are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge. I am aware that any misrepresentation in such responses may result in rejection of this
application. I authorize the City of Farmington to investigate the information and contact
persons/organizations named on this application.
Name of Applicant (please print) ___________________________________________________
Title _________________________________________________________________________
Signature _________________________________________________Date _______________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of _______________, ________.
Signature of Notary Public __________________________________
Department Signature Date Comments
Police ______________________ __________ _____________________________
City Clerk/Deputy Clerk_____________________ __________ _____________________________
Please return completed application to: City of Farmington
Attn: Liquor Licensing
430 Third Street
Farmington, MN 55024
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
In order to comply with State and Federal Data Privacy Act Laws, the City of Farmington is requesting your
authorization and consent to permit the City to conduct a background investigation. Please provide the
following personal data, read the paragraphs below and sign where indicated.
Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________
(First, Middle, Last)
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Number Street City County State Zip Code
Date of Birth: _________________ Driver’s License Number: __________________________
Have you ever been convicted of any crime, either felony or misdemeanor? ________ If yes, please state
place and nature of offense: _____________________________________________
I, the undersigned, hereby authorize and grant my informed consent to permit the Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension (hereafter “BCA”) and the Farmington Police Department (hereafter “FPD”) to release to and
make available to the City of Farmington, Minnesota (hereafter “City”) and/or its representatives all data
classified as private which concerns me and which may be in your possession. The data, classified as
private under M.S. 13.02, Subd. 12, includes all data which has been collected, created, received, retained or
disseminated in whatever form which in any way relates to my dealings with the BCA and/or the FPD. I
understand the purpose of permitting the City to have access to this information is to determine my
suitability for licensure.
By signing this authorization, I hereby release the BCA and the FPD from any and all liability which
otherwise may or does accrue as a result of the release of any and all data, regardless of its accuracy. I also
release the City from any and all liability for its receipt and use of data received pursuant to this consent. I
understand that if I am rejected on the basis of a criminal conviction, I will be notified in writing and be
given rights of redress subject to applicable laws. I also understand that I am not legally required to sign
this form, but if I do not, the City will not be able to determine whether my conviction record is a license-
related consideration.
This authorization shall be valid for a period of one year, but I reserve the right, at any time prior to that
expiration, to cancel the written authorization by providing written notice to the City of that intent.
_______________________________________________ ________________________
(Signature) (Date)
(Full Name Printed)
Please return to:
City of Farmington
Attn: Administration
430 Third Street
Farmington, MN 55024
click to sign
click to edit
Minnesota law requires that you be informed of your rights as they pertain to private information (“private
data”) collected from you by the City of Farmington (“the City”). Private data is that information held by
the City which is available to you, but not to the public.
You have the right to refuse to provide the information requested on this application form, however, without
certain information, the City may be unable to approve the license applied for. If you feel that certain
information requested is an unwarranted invasion of privacy, please contact the Human Resources Director.
The dissemination and the use of private data we collect is limited to that necessary for the administration
and management of the City’s licensing program. Persons or agencies with whom this information may be
shared include:
City personnel, including law enforcement personnel, administering the license program;
The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension;
The City Attorney and support staff of the City Attorney’s office;
Federal, state, local, and contracted private auditors;
Federal and State agencies with oversight or responsibility related to the licensed business;
Those individuals or agencies as to whom you give your express written permission for release of
the information.
Unless otherwise authorized by state statute or federal law, other governmental agencies utilizing the
reported private data must also treat the information as private.
You may wish to exercise your rights as contained in the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. These
rights include:
The right to see and obtain copies of data maintained about you;
The right to be told the contents and meaning of the data; and
The right to contest the accuracy and completeness of the data.
To exercise these rights, contact the Farmington Human Resources Director at 430 Third Street,
Farmington, MN 55024 (651) 280-6800. I have read and I understand the above information regarding my
rights as a subject of government data.
___________________________________________ _______________________
Applicant Date
Form FGTN2009
Minnesota Statute, Section 176.182 requires every state and local licensing agency to withhold
the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or engage in an activity in
Minnesota until the applicant presents acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers’
compensation insurance coverage requirement of Chapter 176. The information required will be
collected by the licensing agency and retained in their files. The information required is: name of
insurance company, policy number, and dates of coverage or permit to self-insure.
This information is required by law, and licenses and permits to operate a business may
not be issued or renewed if it is not provided and/or is falsely reported. Furthermore, if this
information is not provided or falsely stated, it may result in a $2,000 penalty assessed
against the applicant by the Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Industry.
Insurance Company Name: ______________________________________________________
(Not the insurance agent)
Policy Number: ________________________________________________________________
Dates of Coverage: ____________________________ to ______________________________
I am not required to have workers’ compensation liability coverage because:
( ) I have no employees.
( ) I am self-insured (include permit to self-insure).
( ) I have no employees who are covered by the workers’ compensation law,
(these include: spouse, parents, children and certain farm employees).
I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete and that a valid workers’
compensation policy will be kept in effect at all times as required by law.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
(Last) (Middle) (First)
Doing business as (DBA): _______________________________________________________
(Business name if different than your name)
Business address: _____________________________________________________________
(Street) (City, State, ZIP)
Phone: _________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________Date: ________________________
click to sign
click to edit
Every state and local licensing agency to withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or
permit to operate a business in Minnesota until the applicant presents acceptable evidence of
compliance with the workers’ compensation insurance coverage requirement of Section 176.181,
subdivision 2, by providing the name of the insurance company, the policy number, and the dates
of coverage or the permit to self-insure. The commissioner shall assess a penalty to the employer
of $2,000 payable to the assigned risk safety account, it the information is not reported or is falsely
Neither the state nor any governmental subdivision of the state shall enter into any contract
for the doing of any public work before receiving from all other contracting parties acceptable
evidence of compliance with the workers’ compensation insurance coverage requirement of
Section 176.181, subdivision 2.
This section shall not be construed to create any liability on the part of the state or any
governmental subdivision to pay workers’ compensation benefits or to indemnify the special
compensation fund, an employer, or insurer who pays workers’ compensation benefits.
HIST: 1982 c 346 s 94; 1983 c 290 s 114; 1987 c 332 c 332 s 47; 1992 c 510 art 3 s 19; 1995 c
231 art 2 s 72
Certification of an On Sale Micro Distiller Cocktail Room License
This license only authorizes the on sale of liquor produced by the distiller for consumption on the premises
Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following license types:
City issued Micro Distiller’s Cocktail Room and Sunday Liquor Licenses
City or County Issuing Liquor License ___________________________________ License From: _________To: ____________
Circle One: New License Transfer _________________________________ Suspension Revocation Cancel _____________
(former licensee name) (Give dates)
Fees: On Sale Cocktail Room License Fee: $ ________ Sunday License Fee: $_______ Food License Type _______________
(If applying for Sunday Liquor)
City or County Email Address: _____________________________________________________
Licensee Name: __________________________________________ DOB_____________ Social Security #________________
(corporation, partnership, LLC, or individual)
Business Trade Name _____________________________ Business Address____________________ City __________________
Zip Code___________ County ____________ Business Phone___________________ Home Phone_______________________
Home Address______________________________________ City _______________________ Zip Code __________________
Business Email ___________________________________________________________________
Licensee’s MN Tax ID#_________________ Licensee’s Federal Tax ID#______________________________
(To Apply call 651-296-6181) (To apply call IRS 800-829-4933)
If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/officer:
Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address
Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address
Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address
On Sale Cocktail Room licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate
must contain all of the following:
1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc.) and business address of the location listed on the license.
2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license.
Circle One: (Yes No) During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law?
Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following:
Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: _________________________________ Policy #______________________
I certify that this license has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county.
City Clerk or County Auditor Signature_______________________________________________ Date_________________
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED)
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133
Telephone 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555