Student Club/Organization
Classification Inquiry
This questionnaire is a required form that must be submitted, to the Provost or Vice President for Student
Affairs, during the formation of the club and at the beginning of every fiscal year. It may be completed by any
club leader, but must be certified by the Faculty Advisor. Once approved, Finance will notify the club of their
assigned category and forward a copy of the approval to the appropriate governing body. Please contact the
Accounting Department with further questions.
Date: __________________ Applicant & Title: ________________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________
1. What is the name of the Club/Student Organization?
2. Does the club have use of a tax ID number from a parent organization or its own? Yes / No
If so, please provide the tax ID number or copy of the W-9: _____________________________________
3. What sources are anticipated to fund the activities of this club? Please check all that apply.
Governing Body Sponsorship (SGA/SBA, etc.)
Parent Organization Funds
Membership Dues
Fund Raisers
Academic/Department funds
External Donations
Ticket Sales
Other: ___________________
Faculty Advisor Certification:
Printed name Signature Date
Official Use Only:
VP of Student Affairs/Provost: ____________________________________ Date: _______________
Official Student Club
Governing Body ___________________________
Accounting Director: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Category 1 - Updated W9 on file? Date rec’d: _________________
Category 2
Category 3 - FOAPAL: __________ /___________ / (account) / _50_
Revenue Generating Activities Questionnaire (date sent: ______________ received: _______________)
Date confirmation notice sent to club: _______________