Club Advisor Agreement
Club Name: _____________________________________________________
Academic Year: __________________________________________________
I agree to serve as Advisor to the Daytona State student organization named in
this agreement until the organization’s charter is subject to renewal, or until I
submit a written resignation to the Department of Student Life. I will serve as
Advisor under the following conditions:
1. I will make a reasonable effort to attend official club meetings.
2. I will meet with the officers of the group as often as possible, especially
when any changes in the group’s policy, purpose, or plans are being
3. I will attend as many club activities as possible.
4. I will become familiar with the organization’s constitution, by-laws and
any other documents that describe the organization’s mission, goals
and objectives.
5. I will offer guidance and constructive criticism without domination.
6. I will take appropriate action if the organization operates outside
College policies and procedures.
7. I will co-sign all of the club’s financial transactions.
Advisor’s Name (print) ______________________________________________
Advisor is the Club Contact (one per club)
Advisor’s Signature_________________________________________________
Phone ext. and office location_________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________________________
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