801 Fourth Street Marble Falls, Texas 78654 Phone 830- 798- 7095 Fax 830- 798- 8558
Timetable – Custom map requests must be submitted at least FIVE BUSINESS DAYS in advance.
Standard map requests must be submitted at least THREE BUSINESS DAYS in advance.
Payment – Payment shall be made at the time of map pick up either by cash or check.
Delivery Policy – Maps are available for pick-up or electronic delivery only. Hard copies of maps will not be mailed
to applicant. Maps will be printed at time of pick-up.
DISCLAIMER: The Geographic Information System (GIS) database was created with the best information available
to its originator at the time of creation. The data contained in the GIS database is subject to constant change and its
accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The City of Marble Falls disclaims all responsibility for errors and/or omissions
inherent in this data. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for
legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the
approximate relative location of boundary properties. The User is responsible for verifying the accuracy of this data
prior to its use and for ensuring that the most up-to-date revision is used.
The City of Marble Falls is pleased to provide you with an on-line mapping application. This application will provide
anyone interested access to geographic data and mapping capabilities. Click the link below to view City GIS data,
perform spatial analysis, and create maps within the city limit.
Map sizes available:
ANSI A (8 ½ x 11 in)
ANSI B (11 x 17 in)
ANSI C (17 x 22 in)
ANSI D (22 x 34 in)
ANSI E (34 x 44 in)
We encourage you to download and install the web browser Mozilla Firefox. While the Interactive Web Map is designed
to operate in any web browser, we have found that Mozilla Firefox does provide the best user experience. Mozilla
Firefox is a free web browser that can be downloaded from the following website: