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98 Modern Automotive Technology Workbook
12. Name three basic functions of electricity.
13. Electrical devices can do the job of mechanical devices _________________________________________________
(more, less) _____ quickly and effi ciently.
14. When a component uses less than one or two volts for _________________________________________________
operation, it is _____.
15. A(n) _____ is a conventional component that uses _________________________________________________
electricity to do work.
16. Magnetism is an atomic _____ that can attract or repel _________________________________________________
ferrous (iron-containing) substances through space, air,
or solid matter.
17. Like charges _____ each other. _________________________________________________
18. Unlike charges _____ each other. _________________________________________________
19. Defi ne electromagnetism.
20. What is the process of creating electricity in a wire by passing the wire through a magnetic fi eld?
Electric Circuits
21. Identify the parts of the simple circuit illustrated below.
(A) _____________________________________________
(B) _____________________________________________
(C) _____________________________________________
22. Describe and explain the three fundamental properties of electrical circuits.