Section II. Risk (15 Possible Points)
The Applicant should thoroughly describe threats, vulnerabilities, and potential
consequences, which necessitate funding for the proposed project(s). Explain how the
funding would be utilized to minimize these risks.
A) Threats: In considering threats, the Applicant should discuss the identification and
substantiation of specific threats or attacks against the organization. The Applicant should
also discuss findings from risk assessments, police findings, and/or insurance claims specific to
the location being applied for, including dates and specific threats.
(2,200 character max with spaces)
B) Vulnerabilities: In considering vulnerabilities, the Applicant should discuss the organization’s
susceptibility to destruction, incapacitation, or exploitation resulting from an act of violence
and/or vandalism. These should be consistent with the Cal OES Vulnerability Assessment.
(2,200 character max with spaces)
C) Potential Consequences: In considering potential consequences, the Applicant should
discuss potential negative effects on the organization’s assets, systems, and/or network if
damaged, destroyed, or disrupted by an act of violence and/or vandalism.
(2200 character max with spaces)
Revision 2020
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