Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
Court fills in case number when form is filed.
Case Number:
Request to: Enforce, Change, End
Contact After Adoption Agreement
Child’s adopted name (if known):
Your name(s):
Relationship to child:
State: Zip:City:
Your phone number:
ADOPT-315, Page 1 of 2
Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact
After Adoption Agreement
Judicial Council of California,
Revised January 1, 2018, Mandatory Form
Family Code, §§ 8616.5, 8714.5;
Welfare and Institutions Code, § 366.26
Your address (skip this if you have a lawyer):
Your lawyer, (if you have one) (name, address, phone number, and
State Bar number):
Child's name
(if known):
Date of birth:
The judge will not look at your request unless you and the other people who signed ADOPT-310 first try
to come to an agreement using a dispute resolution program, like mediation.
I/We want to (check one):
Enforce Change End
an existing Contact After Adoption Agreement.
List all people who signed the original Contact After Adoption Agreement (form ADOPT-310).
If the agreement was confidential, write “Confidential” instead of the person’s name.
Name/Relationship to child:
Notice to people listed in who are served with this form:
The person who filed this form is asking the court to enforce, change, or end your Contact After Adoption
Agreement. If you do not agree with what the person is asking for, you need to file ADOPT-320 within 30
days after you receive this form.
Attach to this request:
A copy of ADOPT-310 (Contact After Adoption Agreement)
A copy of the signed, written agreement about Contact After Adoption, if there is one
Proof of Service showing this form was served on each person in , along with a blank answer form
Your name:
Case Number:
Page 2 of 2
Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After
Adoption Agreement
Revised January 1, 2018
If any person in was not served, you must explain in writing why he or she was not served.
Type or print your name and relationship to child
Type or print your name and relationship to child
I/We declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information in this form is
true and correct, which means if I lie on this form, I am guilty of a crime.
Number of pages attached:
Check below, if true:
I do not know the names of the other people who signed the original Contact After Adoption Agreement, so I
could not serve them.
The other people who signed the original Contact After Adoption Agreement (ADOPT-310) agree with what
I am asking in this request and have signed ADOPT-320.
Remember: The judge will not look at your request until all people who signed ADOPT-310 have tried to come to
an agreement using mediation or other form of dispute resolution.
I/We have tried to resolve these issues by using a dispute resolution program, like mediation.
Check one of the boxes below:
I/We ask the court to:
Enforce ADOPT-310. Explain how the original agreement has not been followed:
If you need more space, attach a sheet of paper and write “ADOPT-315, Item 8—Enforce, Change, or End 310” at
the top.
Change ADOPT-310. Describe the changes you want and how these changes will be good for the child:
If you need more space, attach a sheet of paper and write “ADOPT-315, Item 8—Enforce, Change, or End 310” at
the top.
If you need more space, attach a sheet of paper and write “ADOPT-315, Item 8—Enforce, Change, or End 310” at
the top.
End ADOPT-310. Explain why you want to end the agreement and how ending the agreement will be good
for the child:
If you want to give more explanation, attach a sheet of paper and write “ADOPT-315, Item 6” at the top.
I have tried to fix these problems, but the other party refuses to participate in a dispute resolution program, like
mediation. I am asking for a court date for the judge to review this case.
Sign your name
Sign your name
Print this form
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For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear
This Form button after you have printed the form.