3. Attempts to Serve. ( check one)
No one tried to serve the last known address because: (explain why no one tried to
serve the person at the last known address)
Someone tried to serve the person at the address above, but the person does not live
there anymore. (file an affidavit of attempted service as proof)
This person is avoiding being served. The following attempts to serve the person
failed: (explain when and how service was attempted, and the person’s response)
4. Attempts to Locate. I have done the following to try to find the person:
Email. ( check one)
I do not have an email address for the person.
All of the person’s known email addresses are (list all known email addresses)
___________________________________________________________. I emailed
these addresses to ask for the person’s current address on (date you emailed)
__________________. I got the following response back (explain what, if any,
response you got from email)
Phone / Text. ( check one)
I do not have a phone number for the person.
The person’s last known phone number is (phone number)
_________________________. I called and/or texted the phone number to ask for
the current address on (date you called/texted) __________________. I got the
following response back (explain what, if any, response you got)
Mail. ( check one)
I do not have a last known street address for the person.
I mailed an envelope to the last known street address through the U.S. Postal office
FORWARD” on the front. The envelope was returned to me on (date you mailed
letter) _______________ with the following information:
© 2018 Nevada Supreme Court
Page 2 of 6 – Affidavit of Due Diligence (Guardianship)