College of Social Sciences
Graduate Professional Development Funds Request
The Faculty in the College of Social Sciences seek to provide opportunities that encourage and
stimulate the professional growth of the College of Social Sciences graduate students. In an effort to
meet this goal, the Dean’s Office may offer limited resources to assist with funding professional
development expenses.
In order to request/receive professional development funds, we ask graduate students to adhere to
the following guidelines.
All relevant available information about the professional development opportunity must be
included on the Funds Request form. Note: no funding will be given for travel associated
with a job search.
Applications for funds should be received by October 1
for fall semester and March 1
spring semester. Every effort will be made to assist students with pre-payment of their
expenses. In some instances, individuals may need to front the costs and will be
reimbursed for expenses incurred up to the awarded amount.
Priority for fund requests will be given to students whose participation is deemed essential.
COSS will not cover late registration and other fees/penalties. Should a student who is
awarded funding cancel his/her participation in the professional development opportunity,
he/she will be required to pay back, in full, the amount received.
The Department Chair must approve all professional development funds
College of Social Sciences
Graduate Professional Development Funds Request
Name: _____________________________________________________________
UWG ID#:___________________________________________________________
Phone number: ________________________________________________________
E-mail address: ________________________________________________________
Department: __________________________________________________________
Amount Requested: _____________________________________________________
Professional Development Opportunity:
1. How will participation in this activity help you in your educational career in the College of Social
2. Attach an itemized list of your estimated expenses including professional development cost,
funding received from other sources, and your out-of-pocket contributions.
______________________________ ______________________________
Applicant Signature Date
______________________________ ______________________________
Department Chair Date
College of Social Sciences
Graduate Professional Development Funds Request
For Internal Use Only
Recommend Approval by Department Chair □ YES □ NO
AMOUNT APPROVED: ______________________________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
Department Chair Date
______________________________ ______________________________
Dean, College of Social Sciences Date