the right to modify the course description if more than 200 characters are used.
E. Approved topics for continuing education (Rule 402). Continuing education is to assure that licensees possess the
knowledge, skills, and competency necessary to function in the real estate business in a manner that protects and serves
the public interest, or that promotes the professionalism and business prociency of the licensee. The knowledge and
skills taught in an elective course must enable licensees to better serve real estate consumers.
Please select a topic—your course materials must support your selection.
Approved Topics - as they pertain to real estate brokerage practice and actual real estate knowledge
a. Real estate ethics l. Real estate inspections
b. Legislative issues that inuence real estate practice m. Property management
c. Real estate law; contract law; agency; real estate
licensing law and administrative rules
n. Timeshares, condominiums and cooperatives
d. Fair housing; armative marketing;
Americans with Disabilities Act
o. Real estate environmental issues and hazards,
including lead-based paint, underground storage
tanks, radon, etc.
e. Real estate nancing, including mortgages and other
nancing techniques
p. Water rights
f. Real estate market measurement and evaluation q. Brokerage oce management and supervision
g. Land use planning and zoning; land development;
construction; energy conservation in building
r. Use of technology
h. Real estate investment s. Licensee safety
i. Accounting and taxation as applied to real property t. Negotiation skills
j. Real estate appraising u. Business success
k. Real estate marketing procedures
Other topics that directly relate to real estate brokerage practice pursuant to Rule 402.01 (please specify):
Attach a timed course outline in the format below. Show each major segment of your course, and give a detailed break-
down of sub-topics. Identify all non-instruction periods (i.e., breaks, lunch, nal exam time, etc.) Include all requested
information and specic learning objectives* that begin with action verbs describing cognitive behavior. (See page 4 of this
application for a list of cognitive action verbs included in Blooms’s Taxonomy.)
*Learning objectives describe what the student will be able to do at the end of the section, NOT what the
instructor will be teaching or doing.
# Minutes for
each segment
Subject content of
each segment
*Learning Objective-What will the student be able to do
after this segment?
Teaching method
20 minutes
Applying It to Real
Identify the types of agency allowed through your broker’s
agency policy.
Group Exercise/
Case Studies
15 minutes
Your Broker’s
Evaluate the eects of your broker’s agency policy on your
day to day real estate practice
10 minutes BREAK
15 minutes
Present the
Explain the agency disclosure brochure to a potential
buyer or seller
Participant role play
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