7. List any signicant changes in ownership of the development, promotion plan, etc., since the last renewal.
(attach an extra sheet if necessary)
8. If any of the following apply, please attach documentation and a detailed explanation. Since the last renewal
(or previous 10 years, for a new participant), has the applicant, or any of its individual directors, ofcers, gen-
eral partners, members or managers, been:
a. Convicted of a crime involving land dispositions or any aspect of the land sales business in this state, the
United States or any other state or foreign country; OR
b. Adjudicated liable and had a civil judgment entered against him/her for making a false or misleading
promotional plan involving land dispositions; OR
c. Subject to any injunction or administrative order restraining a false or misleading promotional plan
involving land dispositions.
9. Certication:
I hereby certify the above information to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge:
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________
Base Fee $250.00
No. of Unsold Intervals X $1.00 per interval = _____
Using ARELLO TSR? ____ YES ____ NO If Yes, 25% Discount =
Total Renewal Fee (maximum of 3,000.00)
Late Fee Number of days ____ X $25.00 per day =
Checklist Required Attachments IREC Use
Renewal fee (check or credit card authorization form)
Copy of current Public Offering State
Evidence that bond is current
List of all unsold Intervals
Copy of latest accounting of Subdivision Owners Association Account, if applicable
Any applicable documentation in response to #8 above
NOTICE: Because of rising costs associated with issuing a refund, it is the policy of IREC to refund overpayments of under $25 only if requested in
writing within 30 days of IREC receipt of the overpayment. Overpayments of $25 or more will automatically be refunded. There is a $20 fee assessed for
each check returned to IREC for insufcient funds.
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