_____ 21. Proposed drainage and stormwater management systems including the type of facilities,
drainage easements, proposed changes in topography, the 100 year floodplain and any
deviations from standards.
_____ 22. Preliminary grading showing limits of disturbance.
_____ 23. For subdivisions with multiple sections, provide and index map showing location and
relationship of each section to the project entirety.
_____ 24. Density Tabulation: provide data on density when clustering or multi-family
developments are proposed.
_____ 25. Open Space Calculations: provide date and calculations when open space is required by
zoning classification. Indicate the amount and type of recreation open space provided in
area and as a percentage of the required open space in accordance with Section
16.121(a)(4) of the Subdivision and Land Development Regulations.
_____ 26. For apartment, multi-family, commercial, or industrial subdivisions, the following
information will be indicated in addition to the above:
a. Approximate location of each building, including setbacks from all streets (public or
private) and environmental features (if applicable), common parking areas, property
lines and distances between buildings.
b. Number of units in apartment buildings and square feet area for commercial or
industrial buildings.
c. Number of parking spaces in each off-street parking area, and total thereof.
Calculation for parking requirements.
d. Interior road or street access, whether public or private, and total area of each.
_____ 27. Additional information which may be required by the Planning Commission to evaluate
the plan.
_____ 28. Preliminary drainage area map and preliminary storm drainage study for the entire area
covered by the Preliminary subdivision plan. The storm drainage study shall include an
evaluation of drainage structures and/or drainage systems, both upstream and
downstream, affected by the drainage from the area covered by the Preliminary Plan as
required by the Design manual and by Section 16.133 of the Subdivision Regulations.
Justification shall be provided for rejecting preferred stormwater management systems.
_____ 29. Preliminary grading showing limits of disturbance, grading for subdivision improvements
and mass grading, if proposed.
_____ 30. Soils map at the scale of the Preliminary Plan with the parcel boundary, roads and lots
plotted and the soil symbols indicated within the soil boundaries as found in the Soil
Survey of Carroll County, Maryland. Provide a tabular listing of soil types. Highlight
hydric soils.