City of Lak
e Forest
FY 2020-2021 CDBG Application
\\CLF400V\Departments\Development Services\CDBG & Housing\CDBG\FY 2019-2020\2019-20 PSG Application\LF - Application Master 2019.docx
Within the past five years, if you also received CDBG funds from other entities, please
provide the names of programs, amounts of CDBG received, and funding agencies.
6. Are you requesting CDBG funding for this program for FY 2020-21 from another city or the
County? Yes No
If yes, from whom and how much?
7. All CDBG-funded activities must meet a HUD Objective and Outcome.
Objectives: Select one HUD objective that best applies to the proposed program:
Suitable Living Environment – The activity is designed to benefit community, families, or
individuals by addressing issues in their living environment.
Decent Housing – The activity is designed to cover a wide range of housing opportunities
that meet an individual family or community need.
Creating Economic Opportunities – The activity will generate economic development,
commercial revitalization, or job creation.
Outcomes: Select one HUD outcome that best applies to the proposed program:
Availability/Accessibility – The activity makes services, infrastructure, housing or shelter
available/accessible to low and moderate-income persons, including individuals with
Affordability – The activity provides affordability in a variety of ways for low and moderate-
income persons, including creation or maintenance of affordable housing, basic
infrastructure hook-ups, or services.
Sustainability (promoting livable & viable communities) – The activity aims to improve the
community or neighborhoods, helps to make them livable or viable by providing benefits to
low and moderate-income persons, or by removing/eliminating slums/blighted areas.