❏ 000 No longer in high school and not a high school graduate
❏ 200 Currently enrolled in Adult School
❏ 400 Passed the GED, or received high school certificate or equivalency
600 Received foreign secondary school diploma/certificate
❏ 800 Received a Bachelor’s Degree or higher
❏ 100 Currently enrolled in K-12
❏ 300 Received a high school diploma
❏ 500 Passed the C.H.S.P.E.
❏ 700 Received an Associate’s Degree
❏ XXX None
❏ 1. Obtain an A.A. degree and transfer to a 4-year institution
❏ 2. Transfer to a 4-year institution without an A.A. degree
❏ 3. Obtain a 2-year Associate’s Degree without transfer
❏ 4. Obtain a 2-year vocational degree without transfer
❏ 5. Earn a vocational certificate without transfer
❏ 6. Discover/formulate career interests, plans, goals
❏ 7. Prepare for a new career (acquire job skills)
❏ 8. Advance in current job/career (update job skills)
❏ 9. Maintain certificate or license (e.g., nursing, real estate)
❏ 10. Educational development (intellectual, cultural)
❏ 11. Improve basic skills in English, reading or math
❏ 12. Undecided
❏ 13. Non-Credit to Credit
❏ 14. 4-year College Student Requirements
19. What is your highest level of education? (SB11)
For the above question, what year did you receive the diploma, certificate or degree?
If none, enter the last year attended. (year)
20. What is your immediate educational goal? (SB14)
Military Status- (Only completed by active military persons, veterans discharged within the last year, or dependents of active duty personnel)
21. Will you be on active duty in the armed services stationed in California on the opening day of the semester in which you plan to enroll?
❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, when did your current duty in California begin?
22. Is California indicated on your last Leave and Earnings Statement? ❏ Yes , submit your last LES ❏ No
23. Were you discharged from the armed services within the last year? ❏ Yes , date of discharge ❏ No, submit DD214
24. Are you the dependent or spouse of a person on active duty in the armed services stationed in California at the start of the term in which you
plan to enroll? ❏ Yes ❏ No
25. If yes, when did his/her current duty in California begin? Proof of dependent identification card required.
To be an eligible veteran, the student must have served at least 180 days of active duty with a discharge under conditions other than dishornorable. Only service
with a branch of the U.S. military is considered.
26. Workforce Investment Act-(WIA) Veteran Status
❏ Unknown/Unreported ❏ Not a WIA eligible veteran ❏ WIA eligible spouse of veteran ❏ WIA eligible veteran
27. Student-Military Status yes no 28. Parent/Guardian-Military Status yes no
Currently serving on active duty ❏❏ Currently on active duty ❏❏
Veteran ❏❏ Veteran ❏❏
Member of the Active Reserve ❏❏ Member of the Active Reserve ❏❏
Member of the National Guard ❏❏ Member of the National Guard ❏❏
29. Did you attend a California high school for three or more years and earn a diploma or equivalent? ❏ Yes ❏ No
30. What was your G.P.A. in high school? ❏ A (4.0) ❏ B (3.0+) ❏ C (2.0+) ❏ Below 2.0
31. What are your parents’/guardians’ highest levels of education?
32. How many people do you support (provide more than half of their housing, food, and expenses)? Please include yourself in the count.
Parent #1
Parent #1
Parent #2
Parent #2
❏ 9th grade or less
❏ some high school
❏ High school graduate
❏ college, no degree
❏ A.A. degree
❏ B.A. degree
❏ M.A. degree
❏ I don’t know
❏ none, I’m supported by family/spouse
❏ only me
❏ two, including me
❏ three, including me
❏ four, including me
❏ five or more, including me