Water and Sewer Maintenance Division
Hydrant Meter Assembly Application
Hydrant meter assemblies are offered to customers to obtain water for non-drinking use in a safe and legal manner.
A two (2) business day notification is required for all fire hydrant meter assembly requests.
• Call (919) 560-4344 and choose option #4 for all inquiries related to hydrant meter assemblies, temporary fire
hydrant connection service and availability.
• A completed Hydrant Meter Application and all fees must be paid at 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, NC, 27701.
o Upon acceptance of the application and necessary fees, Customer Billing Services will create and submit
an internal service request to install a hydrant meter assembly.
o Upon processing of the application and service request, Water and Sewer Maintenance will contact the
customer to schedule installation of the fire hydrant meter assembly.
• In most cases fire hydrant meter assemblies can be installed within five (5) business days of payment.
Current Tier 3 Water Rate
• There is no charge to relocate a hydrant meter assembly.
• The one-month rental fee includes any rental term between one (1) day and one (1) month.
Location to install hydrant meter assembly: It is expected that hydrant meter customers will research and provide City of
Durham staff with the EXACT desired location for their requested assembly. Applications without this information will be
considered incomplete and will not be processed.
Type of Assembly (check one):
Standard Assembly – 2.5” NST Fire Hose Connection & ¾” MIPT Garden Hose Connection
Jumper Box Assembly – 2” inlet and outlet connection for soft copper when a direct tap is needed due to no local
fire hydrants – typically used during new utility construction
Administrative Representative:
I hereby certify that the information above is correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read, understand and
agree to the summary of conditions outlined above. I am authorized to obligate the company listed above to be
responsible for any and all billing matters associated with the City of Durham’s hydrant meter program.
Revised 06/13/2018
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