Due Diligence Property Information
Form 2674, December 2019 Page 2 of 2
Application Fee: $20.80 per parcel. Pay application fees online at https://dsc.durhamnc.gov/220/Online-payment-fee-schedule .
Please provide copies of all required information below in addition to this completed application form.
Family Care Homes and Group Homes, Related Permits/ Licenses: Facility must open within 180 days (6
months) of the date of
the verification letter or the letter will expire and the location will be released. If additional
time is needed, one 6-month
extension shall be granted if applied for before the expiration date. Along with the
extension request, the applicant shall
provide evidence to Planning that all licenses have been applied for, and it is
the applicant’s intent to occupy this location before
the extended expiration date of this letter. Licenses shall
include, but not be limited to:
County Health Dept. Inspection/Permit
Family Care/ Group Homes Separation Requirement: At the time of submittal, Planning staff will prepare a map
showing the
property and all other properties within the regulated radius, per UDO Section 5.3, Limited Use
Standards, and specified below.
Family Care Homes: 1,125 foot minimum separation from other Family Care Homes
Group Homes: 1,125 foot minimum separation from other Group Homes and Family Care Homes
Other Nonresidential Uses with Separation Requirement (e.g., Kennel, Nightclub/ Bar, Outdoor
Recreation, Etc.): Planning
staff can assist in preparation of an initial map showing the subject property and all
other properties within a regulated radius
(per UDO Section 5.3, Limited Use Standards). Applicant is responsible
for identification of the uses of properties within the
regulated radius, to be checked by staff after submittal.
Parking Plan for Change of Use (contact the Development Services Center for Site-Specific Details): If
the proposed use
requires more parking than the previous use(s) on the same property, a parking plan can be
required to show that adequate
parking exists on site for all existing uses on the site plus the additional
parking that will be required for the new use. If the
change of use involves or requires site changes that meet the
UDO threshold for a site plan, it must be approved prior to
establishing the new use. If a site plan is not required,
provide 1 copy of an Existing Conditions plan for the property, drawn to
scale, and include the following, as
applicable, with dimensions and features clearly labeled:
P roperty address and PID
Property lines
Total area of property
Building outline, showing locations of all doors
Driveway location(s)
Designated fire lanes
Location, type, and size (in square feet) of each use
all buildings and outdoor activity areas
Service locations (trash/recycling, loading, etc.)
Applicant’s contact information with phone
Motor vehicle parking spaces, numbered
Handicap-accessible parking spaces, with
required aisles and signage
Label all parking surfaces with type of material
Bicycle parking spaces, numbered
Sidewalks and other pedestrian ways
Locations of landscaping and planting areas
around parking
above-ground utility locations and type
This requirement does not apply to Household Living uses. It will be waived for other uses if sufficient parking has
documented on an approved site plan or previous parking plan, and uses on the property have not changed
since the last
approved plan. Contact the Development Services Center for assistance.
Spill Prevention Plan for Vehicle Service: Provide 2 copies of a Spill Prevention Plan if a site plan is not
otherwise required. The
form is available from the Public Works Department.
Contact Us: If you have any questions about this application, please contact the Durham Development Services Center at
919-560-4137, or
send us an inquiry at: https://dsc.durhamnc.gov
Please allow up to 48 hours for a background check for this site. You will be notified when a letter is ready for pickup
or if there are other questions from Planning staff.
Email a PDF of the this application form and a PDF of the fee payment confirmation email to dscticket@dsc.mojohelpdesk.com