Bridges to the Baccalaureate
California State University, Long Beach
Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity for Long Beach City and Cerritos College Science Majors
Bridges Recommendation Form
National Institutes of Health: Bridges to the Baccalaureate Summer Research Program
All application materials must be received by February 27
, 2015
Student Name: ________________________________ Student Signature: ________________________________
□ I waive my rights to view this recommendation and attachments.
□ I don’t waive my rights to view this recommendation and attachments.
*This recommendation must be submitted by the author directly to the faculty liaison listed in bold below.
Dear Evaluator,
In an effort to increase the number and quality of science students transferring to four-year universities the National Institutes
of Health and CSULB host the Long Beach Bridges to the Baccalaureate (LB3) Program for students from Cerritos and Long
Beach City College for a nine-week summer internship. We teach them laboratory skills, time management and help develop
their career goals.
The Bridges Committee depends on and appreciates your careful appraisal of the above named student’s potential. Your
judgment about this student’s potential in his/her desired major and career is critically important. Your recommendation
should include as much information as possible and remain confidential from the student. Please note any unusual
circumstances in the comments section of this form. A letter of support is optional; return all necessary documents to either
Mary Perrot (Office: D344) or Mehrzad Akhavan (Office: D249) at Long Beach City College or Matt Covill (Office: S-115) or
Linda Waldman (Office: S-213) at Cerritos College, by FRIDAY, February 27
, 2014. Please DO NOT return this form students.
Thank you for your time.
Evaluator’s Name: ___________________________________________ Department: _______________________
Email: ___________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Office: ________________
Student’s Observed Strengths: ____________________________________________________________________
Student’s observed Weaknesses: __________________________________________________________________
Comments—All information is confidential. Your comments about the applicant’s scholarship, leadership, attitude,
determination, ambition, financial need, etc., will be most helpful. Attach a separate sheet if necessary:
Evaluator Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Potential as a scientific
Attitude and commitment
to learning
Persistence in tasks not
immediately rewarded
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