1300 W. Park Street | Butte, MT 59701 | mtech.edu | 406.496.4463
Bloodborne Pathogen Student Policy
I. Purpose
Students in any academic, research, or occupational program at Montana Tech of the
University of Montana who are at risk for bloodborne pathogen exposure are required to
present documentation of serologic evidence of immunity to hepatitis B (HBV), either by
vaccination or previous infection. Students who cannot meet this requirement for legitimate
religious or medical reasons must have their case reviewed by the Montana Tech Biohazard
Committee on an individual basis. If the Committee grants a waiver, they must do so in writing
prior to the student’s acceptance into the clinical component of the nursing program. In other
departments, the waiver must be granted in writing prior to the student’s first potential exposure
to human blood or other potentially infectious materials. Records of the waiver must be kept in
the students’ files within the department that is requiring the immunization.
II. Procedure
A. Students who are unable to meet the requirements of documentation of immunity for
religious or medical reasons must provide written documentation of the reasons which
preclude immunization for review by the Biohazard Committee. Request for review by the
Biohazard Committee must be made prior to application for admittance into the nursing
program. For other departments, the request for review must be made at least two weeks
prior to the first potential exposure to human blood or other potentially infectious materials
to allow time for resolution.
B. Effective June 1999, students are required to present the following information prior to
admittance into the nursing program, or in other departments, prior to their first potential
exposure to human blood or other potentially infectious materials. Students will not be
allowed in areas or settings which may present their first potential exposure to human blood
or other potentially infectious materials without this documentation.
1. Documentation of serologic immunity; or
2. Documentation of immunization series; or
3. Signed waiver of exemption from immunization requirements
III. Exposures
A. If a student has an exposure (i.e. eye, mouth, mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or
parenteral contact with blood or potentially infectious materials) in a setting sponsored by
Montana Tech, the student must follow the policy of the facility where they are working.
The student is responsible for the cost of post-exposure testing. Students can go to the
Student Health Center, the Family Service Center in Butte, or a private physician for testing
and counseling. Records of the exposure and follow-up must be kept in a confidential file in
the Environmental Health and Safety office.
B. If a student has an exposure, the student must report it immediately to the instructor or
supervisor. A Student Exposure Incident Form must be completed by the student, signed by
the student and instructor or supervisor, and sent to the Environmental Health and Safety
IV. Training
Student training must be done prior to the student’s first potential exposure to bloodborne
pathogens. The training must include the requirements of the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard,
universal precautions, and the Montana Tech policy. The training may be incorporated into
class materials or done through training provided by the Office of Environmental Health and
1300 W. Park Street | Butte, MT 59701 | mtech.edu | 406.496.4463
Student Exposure Incident Form
Student Name:
Student ID #:
Date of incident:
Date Reported:
Type of exposure:
Human bite
Blood/body fluid splash
Open wound, scratch, or abrasions contaminated with blood/body fluid/urine/stool
Puncture or from sharp object
Needle stick following venipuncture
Needle stick from IVP or VIPB
Needle stick following injection
Other (describe)____________________________________________________________________
Describe exposure incident in detail:
What actions were taken immediately following the incident?
What precautions were in use at the time of the incident? Check all that apply
Gloves Gown/apron Mask Eyewear CPR shield None Other (specify) ________________
Dates of HBV vaccinations:
Employee signature:
Instructor/Supervisor signature:
Signature of person preparing report:
Student referred to physician of choice
Seen by: Office ER Pro-Med Student Health Center
Declined to be seen
Other comments:
This document must be printed after completion, signed, and sent to mcameron@mtech.edu or brought to EHS
office CBB 003.