Beverage and Vending Services RFP
Date Issued: April 9, 2018
Date Closed: May 17, 2018 by 5:00 PM, CST
Lake Land College invites you to enter into creating a Beverage and Vending Services Agreement with
a national brand product for the purpose of maximizing revenue, promoting increased market share,
controlling costs and providing exceptional service to the College. The opportunities presented by
this relationship will provide substantial benefits for Lake Land College and its Beverage and Vending
Services Supplier. The following pages provide important information to support a successful
relationship. We solicit your specific ideas, programs and commitment to realize this opportunity.
Thank you for your interest in developing this relationship. We are grateful for your contribution to and
support of the Beverage and Vending Services Agreement and selection process.
We look forward to receiving and reviewing your Beverage and Vending Services Agreement Proposal.
Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 1
Part I – Introductions
Scope .................................................................................................................... 2
General ................................................................................................................. 2
Award of Contract ................................................................................................. 2
Service Commencement ....................................................................................... 2
Organization of RFP .............................................................................................. 2
Terms and Conditions ........................................................................................... 3
Specifications ........................................................................................................ 3
Schedule ............................................................................................................... 3
Inquiries ................................................................................................................. 3
RFP Submission Format ......................................................................................... 3
Pre-Proposal Conference ...................................................................................... 4
Addenda to the RFP .............................................................................................. 4
Part II – Terms and Conditions
Contract Status ...................................................................................................... 5
Contract Format .................................................................................................... 5
Contract Termination for Cause ............................................................................ 5
Contract Modifications .......................................................................................... 5
Contract Assignments or Sub Contract ................................................................. 5
Notification of Selected Supplier .......................................................................... 5
Term of Contract ................................................................................................... 5
RFP Acceptance/Rejection .................................................................................... 5
RFP Submittals ...................................................................................................... 6
Effective Period of Proposals ................................................................................ 6
Minor Defects ........................................................................................................ 6
Withdrawal of Proposals ........................................................................................ 6
Sales Tax Exemption ............................................................................................. 6
Performance Security ............................................................................................ 6
Letter of Credit ...................................................................................................... 6
Indemnification Requirements .............................................................................. 6
Hold Harmless ....................................................................................................... 6
Liens ...................................................................................................................... 6
Choice of Law and Venue .....................................................................................
Actions of Supplier ................................................................................................ 6
Pre-Award Presentations ....................................................................................... 7
Pre-Award Negotiations ........................................................................................ 7
Non-Collusion Affirmations ................................................................................... 7
Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements .................................................... 7
Federal, State and Local Taxes, Licenses and Permits .......................................... 7
Waiver of Rights .................................................................................................... 7
Prior Course of Dealings ....................................................................................... 7
Contract Provisions by Reference.......................................................................... 7
Warranty ................................................................................................................ 8
Business Relationship Affirmation ......................................................................... 8
Observing Laws and Regulations .......................................................................... 8
Repairs to Property Damage ................................................................................. 8
Insurance Requirements ........................................................................................ 8
Policy Minimum Limits ........................................................................................... 8
RFP Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................................... 9
Presentations ......................................................................................................... 9
Review of References ............................................................................................ 9
Supplier Presentations .......................................................................................... 9
Proposal Qualification Data................................................................................. 10
Requests for Clarification by Proposers ............................................................... 10
Requests for Clarification by the College ............................................................ 10
Informal Communications ................................................................................... 10
Formal Communications ..................................................................................... 11
Additional Contract Requirements ...................................................................... 11
License ................................................................................................................ 11
Patent and Copyright .......................................................................................... 11
OSHA Compliance .............................................................................................. 11
Part III – Specifications
Information Provided by the College .................................................................. 12
Base Proposal Requirements ............................................................................... 12
Contract Administration Planning and Future Opportunities .............................. 12
Exclusivity ............................................................................................................ 13
Support of College Beverage and Vending Operations ..................................... 13
Product Selections .............................................................................................. 13
Product Specifications ......................................................................................... 13
Equipment ........................................................................................................... 13
Fountain Equipment ............................................................................................ 13
Retail Equipment ................................................................................................. 14
Catering Equipment ............................................................................................ 14
Pricing ................................................................................................................. 14
Beverage Vending Equipment Selections ........................................................... 15
Beverage Vending Equipment Specifications ..................................................... 15
Beverage Vending Equipment ............................................................................ 15
Pricing ................................................................................................................. 15
Service ................................................................................................................. 15
Student Initiatives ................................................................................................ 16
Academic Initiatives ............................................................................................ 16
Athletic Initiatives ................................................................................................ 16
Athletic Sponsorship Recognition ....................................................................... 16
Costs ................................................................................................................... 16
Beverage Program Marketing ............................................................................. 16
Performance Incentive ......................................................................................... 17
Food/Snack Vending and Isotonic Beverages Proposal ...................................... 17
Vending Food/Snacks ......................................................................................... 17
Subcontracting .................................................................................................... 18
Selections ............................................................................................................ 18
Specifications ...................................................................................................... 18
Equipment ........................................................................................................... 18
Food/Snack Vending Equipment ........................................................................ 18
Pricing ................................................................................................................. 18
Products .............................................................................................................. 18
Isotonic Beverage/Athletic Promotional Proposal ............................................... 19
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities ................................................................ 19
Part IV – Pricing Ten (10) Year Period
Signing Award ..................................................................................................... 20
Exclusivity ............................................................................................................ 20
Product Pricing .................................................................................................... 21
Minimum Annual Guarantee ............................................................................... 22
Price Changes ..................................................................................................... 22
College Initiatives ................................................................................................ 23
Athletic Sponsorship Recognition/Spectator Information Systems ..................... 23
WLKL Radio Game Broadcast ............................................................................. 23
Beverage Program Marketing/Initiatives ............................................................. 23
Isotonic (Athletic) ................................................................................................. 24
Other ................................................................................................................... 24
Part V – Pricing Five (5) Year Period
Signing Award ..................................................................................................... 25
Exclusivity ............................................................................................................ 25
Product Pricing .................................................................................................... 25
Minimum Annual Guarantee ............................................................................... 27
Price Changes ..................................................................................................... 27
College Initiatives ................................................................................................ 27
Athletic Sponsorship Recognition/Spectator Information Systems ..................... 27
WLKL Radio Game Broadcast ............................................................................. 28
Beverage Program Marketing/Initiatives ............................................................. 28
Isotonic (Athletic) .................................................................................................
Other ................................................................................................................... 28
Part VI
Signatures ........................................................................................................... 29
Proposal Certification Form ......................................................................................... 30
Exhibit A
Lake Land College Demographics ...................................................................... 31
Exhibit B
Snack and Beverage Vending Equipment ........................................................... 32
"Beverage" or "Beverages" means carbonated and non-carbonated, non-alcoholic, natural or
artificially flavored drinks including, but not limited to, non-alcoholic drinks with nutritive or non-
nutritive sweeteners, flavored and/or sweetened mineral water, natural or artificially flavored fruit
juices, fruit and/or juice-containing drinks and fruit flavored drinks, cold tea products, isotonic drinks
and all drink or beverage bases from which such drinks and beverages could be prepared. It is
understood that “Beverages" shall be limited to those beverages and drinks expressly identified or
included in this definition.
“Beverage" or "Beverages" shall not include, milk, flavored milk, beer (alcoholic, low alcoholic and
non-alcoholic), coffee, freshly brewed tea, hot chocolate, beverages prepared using fresh or frozen
fruits, berries, grains or nuts blended with milk, ice cream or yogurt, and all juice squeezed fresh on
the Campus. Any products used for academic research or medically related patient care are expressly
excluded from “Beverages” as used herein. Any athletic supplement other than isotonic drinks is also
“Campus” means the acres of Lake Land College, including but not limited to any and all athletic
facilities, business offices, student facilities classrooms, concession stands, snack bars, bookstore,
convenience store and dining room (student union), in any and all other buildings or facilities and
extension centers which currently comprise the campus of Lake Land College or which may be
acquired or constructed during the term of the anticipated Agreement and which are operated by or
directly in conjunction with the College.
"Exclusivity" The “exclusivity” provided by the anticipated Agreement is not intended to include
activities not identified or included in the definitions of the Agreement "Exclusivity" does not include
any student, faculty or administrative person who brings beverages on campus for personal
consumption. Exclusivity does not mean complete conversion upon agreement.
The word "College" or a pronoun used in its place shall mean Lake Land College.
Scope: Lake Land College (College) is seeking proposals from qualified suppliers to provide and sell
specific beverages at its Campus in Mattoon, Illinois and extension centers. The College will provide
a long-term commitment to create a most effective and dynamic relationship. Our objective is to create
a model agreement which now and in the future sets the standard for a relationship between the
education and business communities.
The College goals include substantial growth and profitability of beverage sales. The Supplier will
pursue innovative and effective distribution, merchandising and marketing opportunities. The Supplier
will promote the sale of a national brand and complete selection of high demand current and future
products provided through state-of-the art equipment and quality service.
We have requested that each proposer provide a plan to support its proposal. As discussed in greater
detail in the following pages, the plan should describe the Supplier's suggested programs,
assumptions and expectations to achieve its financial and operational objectives.
The expectations and rights of each party should be anticipated, identified and reviewed at the outset
and throughout the Agreement to create and continue a positive, productive and lasting relationship.
General: The College anticipates an Agreement which grants to the Supplier specific and exclusive
rights to sell and promote the sale of beverages at the College Campus. This grant will include specific
rights to sell and promote the sale of beverages at facilities owned or operated by the College and
through College operations.
This grant is expressly conditioned upon the performance of the Supplier's obligations and
commitments as identified in the anticipated Agreement.
Award of Contract: The College plans to award a contract from this RFP for an overall period of ten
(10) consecutive years. An alternate proposal for a contract period of five (5) years will be considered.
Service Commencement: The service commencement date shall be negotiated for the earliest date
after July 1, 2018. Proposer should specify the best possible start date in days after contract award.
Organization of RFP: This RFP is organized as follows:
Part I - Introduction
Part II - Terms and Conditions
Part III - Specifications
Part IV - Pricing – 10 Year Period
Part V - Pricing – 5 Year Period
Part VI - Signatures
Exhibits - A and B
Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions should be reviewed very carefully to ensure full
responsiveness to the RFP.
Specifications: The specifications in Part III must be responded to on a point by point basis so the
College can evaluate how the proposer plans to meet these requirements.
Schedule: The following schedule will apply to this RFP.
April 9, 2018 Issue RFP
May 1, 2018 Pre-Proposal Conference at 1:00 PM, CST
May 17, 2018 RFP Closes at 5:00 PM, CST
May 2018 Proposer Presentations (TBA, if necessary)
June 11, 2018 Board of Trustee Approval of Recommendation
July 1, 2018 Contract Commences
July 2018 Complete Vending Installations
August 1, 2018 Vending Operational
Inquiries: Direct all inquiries relative to the conditions and specifications listed herein to:
Chris Kramer, Director of Auxiliary Services
Lake Land College
500I Lake Land Boulevard
Mattoon, IL 61938
217-234-5475 * 217-234-5535 Fax
RFP Submission Format: The following process described is intended to ensure that all proposers
have equal access to information relative to this RFP. No information communicated verbally shall be
effective unless confirmed by written communication from the Vice President for Business Services of
Lake Land College.
In all cases, no verbal communication will override written communications and only written
communications are binding.
An original and one copy of the RFP will be submitted to the following address:
Bryan Gleckler, Vice President for Business Services
Lake Land College
5001 Lake Land Boulevard
Mattoon, IL 61938
Proposals should be presented in a format that can easily be incorporated into a contract between the
proposer and the College encompassing the guidelines detailed in the Request for Proposal as
required by the College. All proprietary information furnished to the College must be submitted in
duplicate, in a separate enveloped marked “Proprietary Information”.
Proposers must provide a complete point by point response to all requirements listed.
All pricing will be indicated on the Pricing Forms provided in Part IV and Part V.
All required signatures must be affixed in Part VI.
RFP Envelopes will be marked:
Beverage and Vending Services RFP
Date Issued: April 9, 2018
Closing Date: May 17, 2018, by 5 PM, CST
Proposals will be received in the Office of the Vice President for Business Services until 5:00 PM, CST
on May 17, 2018. All proposals received after that time and date above will be returned unopened.
RFP must be original and hard copy, and signed by an authorized member of the firm. FAX proposals
will not be accepted.
At the specified time stated above, all proposals which are in order shall be opened and dated. Any
interested parties may attend. No immediate decision will be rendered. All information received will
be confidential until after final action by the Lake Land College Board of Trustees.
Proposers whose RFP responses are not selected for further consideration will be notified in writing at
the address in their proposal
Proprietary Information: The information provided in this RFP is intended solely for internal use by the
proposer in their response preparation. All information contained herein is proprietary and should not
be distributed to any outside organization, except as required by law.
Pre-Proposal Conference: A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held as stated below. The
purpose of the conference is to provide for questions and answers as required to clarify terms,
conditions or specifications of the request for proposal.
Date/Time: May 1, 2018, 1:00-3:00 PM
Proposals must demonstrate an understanding of the scope of work and the ability to accomplish the
tasks set forth and must include information that will enable the College to determine the proposers
overall qualifications. The College reserves the right to request additional information or clarification
on any matter included in the proposal. The College reserves the right to negotiate with any proposer
or proposers to arrive at a final decision.
Addenda to the RFP: If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, notice of the revision will
be given in the form of an addendum to all prospective proposers who are on record with the Office
of the Vice President for Business Services as having received this RFP. All addenda shall become a
part of this RFP. Receipt of addenda must be acknowledged by each proposer, and the failure of a
proposer to acknowledge any addendum shall not relieve the proposer of the responsibility for
complying with the terms thereof. Acknowledgment shall consist, minimally, of returning a signed
copy of all Addenda Cover Sheets to the Issuing Office by the RFP closing date and time. All addenda
responses must be received by the RFP closing date and time.
The below terms and conditions will govern in the submission and evaluation of proposals and the
award of a contract. Proposers are requested to carefully review the below terms and conditions.
Contract Status: The response to this RFP will be considered as an offer to contract. Final negotiations
on the highest evaluated offer will be conducted to resolve any differences and informalities. After
final negotiations, an acceptance of the proposal offer will be issued by the College in accordance
with the paragraph below.
Contract Format: The resulting contract will incorporate this RFP, the response thereto, all additional
agreements and stipulations, and the results of any final negotiations. All of these documents signed
by both parties will constitute the final contract.
Contract Termination for Cause: The College may initiate termination of the resulting contract for
cause by providing a Show Cause Letter to the Supplier citing the instances of noncompliance with
the contract.
The Supplier shall then have ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the Show Cause Letter to reply
to the Show Cause Letter.
If the Supplier and the College reach an agreed upon solution, the Supplier shall then have thirty (30)
days after such agreement is reached to cure the noncompliance cited in the Show Cause Letter.
If the mutually agreed upon solution is not implemented within thirty (30) days from date of agreement,
the College may terminate the contract.
If a mutually agreed upon solution cannot be reached within ten (10) days after receipt of Show Cause
Letter by Supplier the College may terminate the agreement.
Contract Modification: All changes to the contract must be agreed to in writing by both parties prior
to executing any change.
Contract Assignment or Sub Contract: The resulting contract shall not be assigned, transferred, or
sublet in whole or in part without the prior written approval of the College.
Notification of Selected Beverage Supplier: It is the College's intention to review proposals,
complete contract negotiations and execute an Agreement on or before June 11, 2018. All proposers
will receive written notification of this action after The Lake Land College Board of Trustees has
approved the recommendation(s).
Term of Contract: The contract will be for a term often (10) or five (5) years depending upon which
term alternative is selected. Contract will commence July 1, 2018.
RFP Acceptance/Rejection: The College reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and is not
bound to accept any offer if that offer is contrary to the best interests of the college.
RFP Submittals: Any exceptions and/or alternates must be stated in the response to the RFP. Failure
to provide required data to allow for evaluation of the RFP or failure to complete the accompanying
documents may be grounds for rejecting the RFP.
Effective Period of Proposals: The proposals submitted must remain in effect for a minimum period
of ninety (90) days after the closing date to allow time for evaluation, approval and award of the
Minor Defects: The College reserves the right to waive minor defects in this RFP.
Withdrawal of Proposals: Any proposer may withdraw its proposal by written request at any time
prior to 5:00 p.m. on May 17, 2018. All proposals received and not properly withdrawn prior to that
time, may not be withdrawn until and unless a written request to withdraw such proposal is received
and approved by the College. The College reserves exclusive discretion to approve such requests.
Sales Tax Exemption: The College is exempt from State Sales Tax and Federal Excise Tax. The tax
number for these exemptions is E9998-2171-07. The Illinois Retailers Occupation Tax Act Certificate
of Registration number for Lake Land College is 0083-6311.
Performance Security: The successful proposer shall provide a bond or an irrevocable letter of credit
in the amount of the minimum annual guarantee or an amount mutually agreed upon on behalf of the
Lake Land College Board of Trustees to insure payment of amounts due and performance of all
services in accordance with the provisions of the contract and proposal documents. Subject document
will be provided for the College’s approval prior to issuance of a contract.
Letter of Credit: In order for the irrevocable letter of credit to be considered, such letter of credit
must be backed by an uncontingent secured promissory note or security. Evidence that the letter of
credit is backed by an uncontingent secured promissory note, security, collateral or assets of the party
to whom the credit is extended must be forwarded with the executed letter of credit. The Lake Land
College Board of Trustees must be included as an additionally secured party.
Indemnification Requirements: The below listed requirements are mandatory for protecting the
interest of the College.
Hold Harmless: The successful Supplier shall indemnify and hold the College harmless from all
Suppliers performance or failure of performance under the resulting contract
Liens: The successful Supplier shall keep the College free and clear from all liens asserted by any
person or firm for any reason arising out of the furnishing of services or materials by or to the Supplier.
Choice of Law and Venue: The resulting contract shall be construed under the laws of the State of
Illinois and venue in any action to enforce the contract shall be in Coles County, Illinois.
Actions of Beverage Supplier: The action of the successful Supplier with third parties are not binding
upon the College. The Supplier is not a division of the College, partner or joint venture of/with the
Pre-Award Presentations: As a part of the evaluation process, the College may require presentations
from the highest ranked proposers. Lake Land College is not liable for any expense incurred by
proposers in the preparation and presentation (if requested) of proposals.
Pre-Award Negotiations: Selection may be made without further discussion or negotiation therefore,
proposals should be submitted on the most favorable terms which can be submitted in response to
this Request for Proposal. Proposals must demonstrate an understanding of the scope of work and the
ability to accomplish the tasks set forth and must include information that will enable the College to
determine the proposers over all qualifications. The College reserves the right to request additional
information or clarification on any matter included in the proposal prior to award, the College may
elect to conduct negotiations with the highest ranked proposers for purposes which include:
Resolving minor differences and informalities
Clarifying necessary details
Emphasizing important issues and points
Receiving assurances from proposers
Exploring ways to improve the final contract
Non-Collusion Affirmation: The Supplier affirms that the proposal has not been prepared in collusion
with any other offeror, and that the contents of this proposal as to prices, terms, or conditions of said
proposal have not been communicated by the Supplier to any other person engaged in this type of
business prior to the official opening of this proposal.
Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements: In entering into any contract resulting from this RFP,
the proposer agrees to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Federal, State and Local Taxes, Licenses and Permits: The successful Supplier will comply with all
laws and regulations on taxes, licenses and permits.
Waiver of Rights: No delay or failure to enforce any provision of this agreement shall constitute a
waiver or limitations of the College's rights under any resulting contract.
Prior Course of Dealings: The parties hereby agree that no trade usage, prior course of dealing or
course of performance under other contracts shall be a part of this agreement or shall be used in the
interpretation or construction of this agreement.
Contract Provisions by Reference: It is mutually agreed by and between the College and the
proposer that the College’s acceptance of the proposer's offer by the issuance of a letter of acceptance
shall create a contract between the parties thereto containing all specifications, terms and conditions
in the Request for Proposal except as amended in the letter of acceptance. Any exceptions taken by
the proposer which are not included in the RFP letter of acceptance will not be part of the contract.
Therefore, in the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions of the RFP and information
submitted by a proposer, the terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal and letter of
acceptance order will govern.
Warranty: The proposer warrants that the goods or services supplied hereunder will be of good
workmanship and of proper materials, free from defects and in accordance with specifications. If the
proposer knows of the purchaser's intended use, the proposer warrants that the goods or services are
suitable for the intended use.
Business Relationship Affirmation: The proposer affirms that no elected or appointed official or
employee of the College has benefited or will benefit financially or materially from the proposed
Agreement. The proposer affirms that the Supplier has not paid, given or donated or agreed to pay,
give or donate to any officer or employee of the College any money or other thing of value, either
directly or indirectly in the procuring of the Agreement. Any Agreement may be terminated by the
College if it is determined that gratuities of any kind were either offered to, or received by, any College
officer or employee contrary to this policy.
Observing Laws and Regulations: The Supplier shall keep fully informed of all and shall faithfully
observe all laws, national and state, and all ordinances and regulations affecting responsibility to the
College, or affecting the rights of supplier's employees, and he shall protect and indemnify the
College, its officers, and agents against any claims of liability arising from or based on any violation
Repairs to Property Damage: Existing facilities damaged during this work caused by the Supplier,
the Supplier's agents or employees shall be repaired and left in as good condition as found. All repairs
shall be accomplished at no cost to the College.
Insurance Requirements: The proposer shall secure and pay the premium or premiums of the
following policies of insurance with respect to which minimum limits are fixed in the schedule set forth
below. The Lake Land College Board of Trustees shall be added as an additional insured on all such
policies. Each such policy shall be maintained in at least the limit fixed with respect thereto, and shall
cover all of the proposer's operations hereunder, and shall be effective throughout the period of this
contract or any extension thereof it is not the intent of this schedule to limit the types of insurance
required herein.
Policy Minimum Limits:
Workers Compensation - Statutory
*Comprehensive General Liability Insurance - $1 Million combined single limit of liability for
bodily injury and property damage
Comprehensive Automobile Insurance - $1 Million combined single limit of liability for bodily
injury and property damage
Excess Umbrella Liability - $5 Million each occurrence
*Comprehensive Liability to include, but not be limited to,
(1) Consumption or use of Products;
(2) existence of equipment or machines on location; and
(3) contractual obligations to customers.
Excess of above indicated Underlying Insurance subject to a maximum of $10,000 self-insured
retention on uninsured perils.
As to any insurance required by this agreement, a certified copy of each of the policies or a certificate
or certificates evidencing the existence thereof, or binders, shall be delivered to the College within
fifteen (15) days after the tentative award of this agreement. In the event any binder is delivered, it
shall be replaced within thirty (30) days by a certified copy of the policy or a certificate in lieu thereof.
Each such copy or certificate shall contain a valid provision or endorsement that the policy may not be
canceled, terminated, changed or modified without giving thirty (30) days written advance notice
thereof to the College's representative and that the insurance reflected thereon meets the minimum
requirements of the proposal. A renewal policy or certificate shall be delivered to the College at least
thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of each expiring policy. If at any time any of the policies
shall be or become unsatisfactory to the College as to form or substance, or if any of the carriers issuing
such policies shall be or become unsatisfactory to the College, the Proposer shall promptly obtain a
new and satisfactory policy in replacement upon such written notice from the College.
RFP Evaluation Criteria: The award of a Agreement will be based upon a comprehensive review,
analysis and negotiation of the proposal(s) which best meet the needs of the College. The specific
evaluation criteria will include the following:
Total Economic Value: Signing bonus and anticipated/guaranteed realized revenue in
support of the College
Quality of Beverage and Vending Services Agreement Plan
Feasibility, innovation, communication, specific ideas and resources identified to support
revenue and other objectives
Demonstrated Understanding of Broader College Objectives
Team Experience, Commitment and Demonstrated Understanding
Evaluation of human resources identified and committed to the relationship
College initiatives including Student, Academic and Athletic
Proposals and commitments to support these important objectives
Proven history of quality service and responsiveness
As part of its proposal review, the College may request and consider presentations, review of
references and supplier representatives.
Presentations: The College reserves the right, but is not obligated to, request and require that each
proposer provide a formal presentation of its proposal at a date and time to be determined. If required
by the College, it is anticipated that such presentation will not exceed two (2) hours. No proposer will
be entitled to be present during, or otherwise receive any information regarding, any other
presentation of any other proposer.
Review of References: Each proposer is required to provide a customer list of educational institutions
with an exclusive beverage contract. The College reserves the right, but is not obligated to, contact
and review the beverage program of any institution identified by any proposer as a reference.
Supplier Representatives: Proposer must identify the people it anticipates representing the Supplier
in developing and implementing the Agreement. The College may conduct interviews with identified
supplier representatives as part of its evaluation process of the proposals.
The College will include in its evaluation; proposals, presentations, references and interviews. In
addition, the award will be predicated upon the successful negotiation of the specific terms and
conditions to be included in the Agreement. The College will be the sole judge of the suitability of the
proposed beverage and vending services and the Agreement.
Proposal Qualification Data: If necessary to evaluate proposer qualification, proposer may be
requested to furnish information on the below items:
Financial resources
Personnel resources
Executives and key person resumes
Ability to meet delivery and service schedule
Ability to meet specification quality requirements
Requests for Clarification by Proposers: Any proposer may request that the College clarify any
information contained in this Request for Proposal for Beverage and Vending Services Agreement. All
such requests must be made in writing to:
Chris Kramer, Director of Auxiliary Services
Lake Land College
500I Lake Land Boulevard
Mattoon, IL 61938
The College will provide a written response to all written requests for clarification within five (5)
business days after its receipt of such request. The College will not respond to any request for
clarification received by the College after the close of business five (5) days prior to opening. The
College's response to any request for clarification, together with a copy of the request for clarification,
will be provided contemporaneously by the College to each party receiving this RFP.
Under no circumstances, may any proposer or its representative contact any employee or
representative of the College regarding the RFP prior to closing date, other than as provided in this
section. Strict adherence to this important procedural safeguard is required and appreciated.
Requests for Clarification by the College: The College may request that any proposer clarify or
supplement any information contained in any Beverage and Vending Services Agreement Proposal
unless otherwise specified by the College. Proposers are required to provide a written response within
five (5) business days of receipt of any request for clarification by the College.
Informal Communications: From the date of receipt of this RFP by the proposer until a binding
contractual agreement exists with the selected proposer and all other proposers have been notified
or when the College rejects all proposals, informal communications regarding this procurement shall
cease. Informal communications shall include but not be limited to:
Requests from the proposers to any department(s) at the College, for information, comments,
speculation, etc.; and
Requests from any department at the College, or any employee of the College, for
information, comments, speculation, etc.
Formal Communications: From the date of receipt of this Request for Proposal by each proposer
until a binding contractual agreement exists with the selected proposers and all other proposers have
been notified or when the College rejects all proposals, all communications between the College and
the proposers will be formal, or as provided for in this Request for Proposal. Formal communications
shall include but not be limited to:
Pre-Proposal Conference
Oral presentations
Pre-Award Negotiations
Additional Contract Requirements: The College anticipates that the Agreement will include
additional contract requirements including, but not limited to, the following:
License: Agreement will not grant the Supplier a license or other right to duplicate or use any image
or intellectual property of the College in any manner other than as may be expressly approved in
writing in connection with the performance of the contract.
Patent and Copyright: The Supplier shall pay all royalties, license fees, and patent to invention rights,
or copyrights or trade and service marks and defend all suits or claims for the infringement of any
patent or invention right or copyrights or trade and service marks involved in the items furnished in
commitment with the Agreement.
The Supplier will hold and save the College and its officers, agents, servants, and employees harmless
from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for, or on account of any patented or
unpatented invention, process, article, or appliance furnished in the performance of the Agreement
including its use by the owner, unless otherwise specifically stipulated.
Copyrights for any item specified shall be the property of the College and inure to its benefit and
proposer shall execute such documents, as College may require, for the perfection thereof.
OSHA Compliance: All items or service to be furnished hereunder shall meet all applicable State and
Federal requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. All alleged violations and deviations
from said state and federal regulations or standards of the items or services to be furnished hereunder,
must be set forth on the proposed requirements and criteria in the proposal response. Or if at any
later date the items or services contained herein shall not meet all applicable state and federal
requirements after the proposer is awarded the contract hereunder, the proposer must notify the
College's Vice President for Business Services immediately by registered mail.
Information Provided by the College: The College has, in this Request for Proposal and otherwise,
provided proposers with information relating to the College, its current operations and beverage
program. The intent of this proposal is, among other things, to provide students, faculty, administration
and guests with a comprehensive line of national brand products which respond to consumer demand
and brand preference while providing strong marketing value of brand association.
The College has provided each identified proposer with opportunity to independently collect, review
and verify any information provided by or on behalf of the College. The College assumes no
responsibility or liability for the adequacy or accuracy of any information provided by the College, its
agents, employees or representatives. The proposer agrees to waive any claim or defense to any claim
relating to the adequacy or sufficiency of any information provided prior to the execution of the
anticipated Beverage and Vending Services Agreement.
Subject to these limitations, this Request for Proposal contains information describing College
communities, operations and Beverage programs. For your continuing reference, we have included
additional information regarding College registration, demographics, student residence, faculty, staff
and Campus as Exhibit A
Base Proposal Requirements: In support of its financial and operational objectives, each proposer
will provide a detailed Beverage and Vending Services Agreement Plan. The Agreement Plan should
identify specific sales and revenue objectives for each product and distribution channel. The
Agreement Plan should also include assumptions and relationship commitments required to obtain
those goals.
The Agreement Plan should describe the programs and/or resources which support the likelihood of
achieving the identified objectives. The Agreement Plan should also include service and reporting
commitments together with specific suggestions regarding communication, planning and
performance review. The Agreement Plan represents an opportunity for each proposer to provide
examples of its innovation, alternative distribution strategies, operational opportunities, marketing
proposals and understanding of the College communities and objectives.
Contract Administration Planning and Future Opportunities: The proposal should offer specific
suggestions regarding contract administration, reporting, planning and dispute resolution. The
College recognizes the value of a long-term commitment to a Beverage relationship. Yet, it is difficult,
if not impossible, to anticipate all events and activities which might materially affect the ability of the
Agreement to achieve its intended objectives. Certain terms and conditions can and will be stated in
dynamic and unambiguous terms. For example, the College will require that all equipment and service
be maintained at the then-current state-of-the-art.
With respect to various aspects of the Agreement, the College will require specific financial
commitment throughout the term of the Agreement (i.e., annual initiative/marketing support.) On
occasion, the specific financial commitment may not be identified for the entire intended term of the
Agreement. For example, the College requires a specific three (3) year commitment to maintain the
cost of all products to be provided by the Supplier. The proposal should include suggested procedures
for dialog and agreement regarding the review of requested price increases in other similar mutual
The future businesses of the selected Supplier might include an expanded or reduced compliment of
products, packages and distribution. The proposer is encouraged to anticipate the inevitability of
change and provide specific recommendations for a dynamic relationship which could take advantage
of newly discovered opportunities without unduly limiting or committing each party to unforeseen
circumstances which may preclude the intended outcome.
Exclusivity: In addition to its commitment to create increased value with the Agreement through the
increased sale of beverages, the College recognizes and supports the benefit of providing exclusive
Beverage relationship opportunities. In consideration of this exclusive commitment and support, the
College requests appropriate compensation. Please specify) your proposal for the amount and term
of payment of compensation for this commitment.
In support of this commitment, the College solicits specific suggestions and expectations regarding
the College's opportunity and effort to support this grant of exclusivity.
Support of College Beverage and Vending Operations: The College currently distributes and/or
promotes beverages and vending through the following operations:
Vending Areas On and Off Campus
Men's and Women's Athletic
Facilities Catering
The Agreement will support existing and future College distribution. Your proposal should reflect your
commitment to provide products, equipment, service and marketing support to each current,
additional or alternative distribution channel identified in your Beverage and Vending Services
Agreement Plan.
Product Selections: The Supplier will identify and provide, or offer to provide, at the College’s option,
all beverages packaged, manufactured or distributed by or otherwise available (i.e., through
agreements, relationships, alliances or other cooperative efforts) to the Supplier. The Supplier will
commit to provide and offer to include in the Agreement, on measurably comparable terms and
conditions, all future beverages manufactured, packaged or distributed by or otherwise made
available to the Supplier. Unless otherwise specified in the proposal, it is understood that the
Agreement will make available to the College, at its option, all current and future beverages offered
by the Supplier.
Product Specifications: All beverages will be made available to the College in packages and pursuant
to specifications reasonably requested by the College. The proposal shall identify all beverages sold
or distributed by the Supplier, including all specifications fully describing the portion size, packaging,
dispensing capability in concentration (if applicable) of each beverage. The proposal should include a
complete listing of all syrup and concentrate flavors offered by the Supplier.
Equipment: The Supplier will be required to supply, install, service and maintain all fountain, display
and other equipment used to sell or display beverages, at no cost to the College.
Fountain Equipment: Dispensing equipment must be supplied, installed, serviced and maintained
by the Supplier at no cost to the College or College authorized retailer.
The proposal should include the Supplier's suggestions regarding placement and location of beverage
fountain equipment to most effectively promote beverage sales and service, subject to review and
approval by the College.
All fountain equipment must be new and remain, state-of-the-art throughout the term of the
All dispensers must be equipped with locks and/or shut-off valves at no cost to the College and shall
be filtered with a stainless steel, vented, double check valve backflow. Equipment may be subject to
approval by the State or County Health Department.
All dispensers must be equipped with separate water supply shut-off.
The syrup must be in five (5) gallon bags in a box. Any alternative specification requires express College
approval. Bag in the box racks will be provided that accommodate the storage areas of the college.
C02 tanks must be twenty (20) pound capacity with capped faucet for sanitary purposes.
All fountain equipment must be checked and calibrated on a periodic basis including preparations for
the opening of each school semester.
Retail Equipment: The Supplier shall supply, install, service and maintain all equipment necessary to
promote the sale of beverages at College retail facilities. All equipment must meet the requirements
of Coles County Health Department including casters on all upright refrigerated merchandisers.
All equipment supplied to support retail sales must be new and remain state-of-the-art
throughout the term of the Agreement.
The proposal should include proposed equipment to promote retail sales; and
The proposal shall outline marketing and merchandising programs to promote beverage sales
for the College.
Catering Equipment: The Supplier will be required to provide and maintain new state of-the-art
equipment to display or resell beverages.
Pricing: Pricing commitments must be guaranteed for a minimum three (3) year period. The College
will expect any increases to be consistent with those applied to other customers of comparable size
and nature. Recommendations for a procedure to review requested increase in selling price should be
addressed in Part IV.
The proposal should identity the beverage category, package size and case count (if applicable), and
cost of each beverage product offered by the proposer, including syrups, pre-mix and C02. The cost
schedule should be provided in sufficient detail to identify costs of all products and any volume
Beverage Vending Equipment Selections: The Supplier will identify and provide, or offer to provide,
at the College’s option, all beverages packaged, manufactured or distributed by or otherwise available
(i.e., through agreements, relationships, alliances or other cooperative efforts) to the Supplier. The
Supplier will commit to provide and offer to include in the Agreement, on measurably comparable
terms and conditions, all future beverages manufactured, packaged or distributed by or otherwise
made available to the Supplier. Unless otherwise specified in the proposal, it is understood that the
Beverage and Vending Services Agreement will make available to the College, at its option, all current
and future beverages offered by the Supplier.
Beverage Vending Equipment Specifications: All beverages will be made available to the College
in packages and pursuant to specifications reasonably requested by the College. The proposal shall
identify all beverages sold or distributed by the Supplier, including all specifications fully describing
the portion size, packaging, dispensing capability in concentration (if applicable) of each beverage.
The proposal should include a complete listing of all syrup and concentrate flavors offered by the
Describe in detail the full service program including but not limited to cash accountability, reporting
and performance standards, collection/payment procedures and all other attributes of your vending
Describe in detail the Supplier’s recommendation regarding the placement and location of beverage
vending equipment to most effectively promote beverage sales and service. Final locations, however,
will be subject to review and approval by the College administration.
Beverage Vending Equipment: The Supplier will be required to supply, install, service and maintain
all new state-of-the-art beverage vending equipment used to sell or display beverages, at no cost to
the College. The College currently contracts for a full service vending machine program. Current
canned soda and canned juice/tea placements are identified on Exhibit B.
If the College desires to have vending machines placed in an outdoor location secured by a shelter
with security gate matching the existing structure. Your proposal should indicate your willingness to
supply this enclosure and vending machines.
Pricing: Pricing commitments are made without regard to which of the College operations or
communities may provide or sell the beverages and must be guaranteed for a minimum three (3) year
period. Recommendations for a procedure to review requested increase in selling price should be
addressed in Part IV.
The proposal should identify the proposed commission rates by selling price for the sale of vended
beverages for each product category, size and package sold or distributed by the Supplier.
Commission should be stated as a percentage of gross sales without deduction of any costs incurred
by the Supplier including but not limited to taxes, repairs and service. List in Part IV.
Please include a minimum annual guarantee for vending sales based upon proposed commission
Service: The College is committed to exemplary service. The Beverage and Vending Services
Agreement Plan should describe the service and quality control program proposed by the Supplier.
The Supplier will provide reporting service 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., five days a week (four days/week
in summer) and repair of all equipment within twenty-four (24) hours, at no cost to the College.
Student Initiatives: The College understands that any successful Agreement must provide visible
programs to students. The Agreement Plan response should address funding for special projects or
programs that benefit the campus as a whole such as College-wide speakers or concerts,
improvements to student facilities, or programs developed to enhance student life.
Academic Initiatives: The College recognizes the opportunities presented by academic initiatives
supported by business relationships. These represent an opportunity for an exchange of resources
within the teaching and learning objectives of the College. Please designate funds to be used to
support academic opportunity, for example, scholarships. Equally important, please identify any
expectations or limitations on the use of these funds or other resources which would support your
individual objectives. Again, proposers are encouraged to be creative in identifying opportunities in
the area.
Athletic Initiatives: The Lake Land College Athletic Department represents a substantial opportunity
for the Agreement In addition to promoting the sale of beverages at athletic events, athletic initiatives
support and promote the association of the Suppliers brand with Lake Land College. The impact and
value of this association is increasingly significant as the College athletic programs continue to improve
and attract attention.
The Agreement Plan should identify opportunities for creative and effective support of athletic
initiatives. The College will work with the Supplier to develop an effective and efficient communication
and discussion plan to allocate these funds and resources among the various athletic initiatives.
Athletic initiatives do not include sponsorship recognition opportunities which are specifically
addressed below.
Athletic Sponsorship Recognition: The Agreement will grant to the Supplier the exclusive right to
corporate sponsorship recognition at various College athletic venues. Specifically, the package
includes sponsorship recognition opportunity with any Lake Land College sports team, including but
not limited to the following facilities:
Baseball Field (bleachers, field/turf, dug outs)
Baseball and Softball Fence Signs
Softball Field (bleachers, field/turf, dug outs)
Field House and Fitness Center
Sports Schedules Posters
Pocket Schedules
New Baseball and Softball Bleachers
Costs: The Supplier will be responsible for the reasonable cost of the sponsor panels.
Beverage Program Marketing: The College recognizes the importance of timely and effective
marketing to promote the sale of beverages on Campus.
The College reserves the right for final approval on all marketing initiatives including the use of College
trademarks. Such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.
The Agreement Plan should include suggested and example strategies for the development and
implementation of these marketing initiatives.
Any funds not used during any year of the Agreement will be made available for beverage program
marketing in the following year. Any funds not used for beverage program marketing during the first
five (5) years of the Agreement shall be paid to the College within thirty (30) days following the end of
the first five (5) years. Any funds not used for beverage program marketing during the second five (5)
years of the Agreement shall be paid to the College within thirty (30) days following the end of the
contract term.
Performance Incentive: The College recognizes the priority of measurable growth of beverage sales.
Please provide a proposed performance incentive for each beverage category.
The performance incentive should be specified in sufficient detail to determine the incentive for each
product and volume of each product purchased in support of the Agreement. Any volume or other
variable incentive should be similarly specified.
The performance incentive schedule should be in form and substance consistent with the mutual
benefits and objectives of the Supplier and College.
Food/Snack Vending and Isotonic Beverages Proposal: The College is soliciting proposals to
support existing beverage sales and distribution channels. Proposals should support existing
operations and describe opportunities and strategies to modify and/or improve existing distribution
or operations. The College is specifically requesting recommendations on how to maximize the
opportunities available to a Beverage Relationship. In addition, the College is soliciting specific
food/snack vending, and isotonic beverage/athletic promotion proposals as identified in this section.
The College will incorporate these proposals in the overall agreement. UNLESS OTHERWISE
Please identify all commission rates as affected by alternative vend pricing. Commission should be
stated as a percentage of gross sales without deduction of any costs incurred by the Supplier, including
but not limited to, applicable taxes.
Vending Food/Snacks: The College requests an alternative proposal to vend food, snacks and other
items. This agreement plan proposal will not be considered complete without a legitimate proposal
for vending of food, snacks and other items. The college reserves the right to award the opportunity
to vend food/snack and other items separately from the beverage agreement but desires to combine
all vending under one contract.
Subcontracting: It is understood that the Supplier may subcontract any or all of its responsibilities to
provide food and snack vending. However, the selection of any subcontractor is expressly subject to
the College's right to approve or disapprove, for any reason, any proposed subcontractor. The use of
any subcontractor does not, in any way, relieve the Supplier of its obligations to the College.
Selections: The Proposer will identify and provide, or offer to provide, at the College's option, all
food/snack items packaged, manufactured or distributed by or otherwise available (i.e., through
agreements, relationships, alliances or other cooperative efforts) to the College. The Proposer will
commit to provide and offer to include in the Agreement, on measurably comparable terms and
conditions, all future products manufactured, packaged or distributed by or otherwise made available
to the Proposer. Unless otherwise specified in the proposal, it is understood that the Proposer will
make available to the College, at its option, all current and future products offered by the Proposer.
Specifications: All products will be made available to the College in packages and pursuant to
specifications reasonably requested by the College. The proposal shall identify all products sold or
distributed by the Proposer, including all specifications fully describing the portion size, packaging,
dispensing capability in concentration (if applicable) of each beverage. The proposal should include
a complete listing of all syrup and concentrate flavors offered by the Proposer.
Describe in detail the full service program including but not limited to product equipment service,
maintenance, cash accountability, reporting, and performance standards, collection/payment
procedures and all other attributes of your vending program.
The Agreement Plan should describe recommendations regarding the placement of equipment to
most effectively promote sales and service.
Equipment: The Supplier will be required to supply, install, service and maintain all state of the art
vending, display and other equipment used to sell or display food/snacks and beverages, at no cost
to the College.
Food/Snack Vending Equipment: The College currently contracts for a food/snack vending
equipment program. See Exhibit B for a description of type and locations of machines.
Pricing: The College supports the opportunity to provide snacks and other goods at vend prices which
represent a value to its students, faculty, administration and guests. The College requires a specific
three (3) year commitment to maintain the vended price of all products to be provided by the
proposer. Proposer's recommendation should include a procedure to review request for increases in
vending price. The College will expect any increases to be consistent with those applied to other
customers of comparable size and nature. Please address in Part IV and V. The proposer is encouraged
to anticipate the inevitability of change and provide specific recommendations for a dynamic
relationship which could take advantage of newly discovered opportunities without unduly limiting or
committing each party to unforeseen circumstances which may preclude the intended outcome. Your
proposal should reflect any assumptions or implications of any proposed modification to current
Products: In support of its obligation to be responsive to its students, faculty and guests, the College
reserves the right to reject any products sold through vending machines. The proposal should identify
the proposed commission rates by selling price for the sale of vended products by category, size and
package sold or distributed by the Proposer. Commission should be stated as a percentage of gross
sales without deduction of any costs incurred by the Proposer including but not limited to taxes, repairs
and service. List in Part IV and V.
Please include a minimum annual guarantee for vending sales based upon proposed commission
Isotonic Beverage/Athletic Promotional Proposal: The proposal requirements of the Agreement
include the exclusive right to sell isotonic beverages on the College Campus.
The College solicits a proposal for the distribution and promotion of isotonic beverages in connection
with Men’s and Women’s Athletics for events not held in the Field House and for the Field House.
The proposal should include a commitment to provide isotonic products as requested for student
athletes. Moreover, all cups, coolers and chests necessary to distribute this product will be provided
by the Supplier.
The exclusive sponsorship recognition category provided to the Isotonic Beverage Supplier includes:
Use of Lake Land College Athletic marks in connection with the promotion and sale of isotonic
Placement of isotonic product and containers in all Lake Land College athletic team bench
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities: The Agreement may grant the exclusive right to certain
beverage category sponsorship of broadcast athletic events.
Your Agreement Plan should include your recommendations regarding the innovated and expansive
application of this program. Please specify the amounts to be paid to the College in consideration of
this promotional opportunity.
IV –
Please identify the amount of signing
award, $
identify your financial
creative commitment
exclusivity initiatives
for a ten (10)
year period.
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
(6) $
(7) $
(8) $
(9) $
(10) $
Product Pricing: Include all carbonated, non-carbonated
syrups, premix, waters, tea,
isotonics, teas and
Please list in the following format, if
Attach additional sheets
as necessary.
Pkgs Case Count
Please identity your financial and creative commitment to support product pricing
initiatives for a ten (10) year period.
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
(6) $
(7) $
(8) $
(9) $
(10) $
Please identify your procedure to request price increases.
Commission on Beverage/Snack Vending (Attach additional sheets as necessary.):
Category Pkg Size Case Count Vend Price Commission
Soft Drink $ %
Isotonic $ %
Tea $ %
Hot Beverage $ %
Cold Food $ %
Candy $ %
Snacks $ %
Chips $ %
Pastry $ %
Ice Cream $ %
Other $ %
Other $ %
Other $ %
Please identity
additional financial and creative commitments to beverage/snack vending for a
year period.
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
(6) $
(7) $
(8) $
(9) $
(10) $
Minimum Annual Guarantee: Beverage/Snack Ve
Please list vend prices of any alternative/commissions structure below. Please include minimum
with any
pricing proposals.
Price Changes: Please identify your procedure to request price increases.
Initiatives (Student, Academic and Athletic): Please identify your financial and
commitment for student initiatives for a ten (10) year
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
(6) $
(7) $
(8) $
(9) $
(10) $
Athletic Sponsorship Recognition/Spectator Information Systems: Please identify your financial
and creative commitment to support
sponsorship recognition
for a ten (10) year
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
(6) $
(7) $
(8) $
(9) $
(10) $
WLKL Radio Game Broadcast: Please
below your desire to
in a premium
radio broadcast
game which may
if within the
control of
Yes No
Beverage Program
Please identify your financial and creative
commitment to support marketing initiatives
for a ten (10) year
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
(6) $
(7) $
(8) $
(9) $
(10) $
Please identity your financial and creative commitment to support isotonic
initiatives for a ten (10)
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
(6) $
(7) $
(8) $
(9) $
(10) $
Other: Any other financial considerations
. $
VI –
Please identify the amount of signing
award, $
identify your financial
creative commitment
exclusivity initiatives
for a five (5)
year period.
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
Product Pricing: Include all carbonated, non-carbonated
syrups, premix, waters, tea,
isotonics, teas and
Please list in the following format, if
Attach additional sheets
as necessary.
Pkgs Case Count
Please identity your financial and creative commitment to support product pricing
initiatives for a five (5) year period.
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
Please identify your procedure to request price increases.
Commission on Beverage/Snack Vending: (Attach additional sheets as necessary.)
Category Pkg Size Case Count Vend Price Commission
Soft Drink $ %
Isotonic $ %
Tea $ %
Hot Beverage $ %
Cold Food $ %
Candy $ %
Snacks $ %
Chips $ %
Pastry $ %
Ice Cream $ %
Other $ %
Other $ %
Other $ %
Please identity
additional financial and creative commitments to beverage/snack vending for a
year period.
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
Minimum Annual Guarantee: Beverage/Snack Ve
Please list vend prices of any alternative/commissions structure below. Please include minimum
with any
pricing proposals.
Price Changes: Please identify your procedure to request price increases.
Initiatives (Student, Academic and Athletic): Please identify your financial and
commitment for student initiatives for a five (5) year
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
Athletic Sponsorship Recognition/Spectator Information Systems: Please identify your financial
and creative commitment to support
sponsorship recognition
for a five (5) year
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
WLKL Radio Game Broadcast: Please
below your desire to
in a premium
radio broadcast
game which may
if within the
control of
Yes No
Beverage Program
Please identify your financial and creative
commitment to support marketing initiatives
for a five (5) year
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
Please identity your financial and creative commitment to support isotonic
initiatives for a five (5)
(1) $
(2) $
(3) $
(4) $
(5) $
Other: Any other financial considerations
. $
The undersigned agrees that the response to this proposal is a legal and binding offer and the
authority to make the offer
in the
signer. Minor differences
will be
resolved by
negotiation prior
of the offer.
Signature: ________________________________________________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________________________________________
Company: ________________________________________________________________________
FEIN #: _________________________________________________________
Contact Phone Number: __________________________________________
Contact E-Mail Address: __________________________________________
Fax Number: ____________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________
This proposal is submitted in response to the Beverage and Vending Services RFP issued by Lake
Land College. The undersigned, as a duly authorized officer, hereby certifies that
_____________________________________ (company) agrees to be bound by the content of this
proposal and agrees to comply with the terms, conditions and provisions of the referenced Request
for Proposal (RFP) and any addenda thereto in the event of an award. Exceptions are to be noted as
stated in the RFP. The proposal shall remain in effect for a period of ninety (90) calendar days as of
the Due Date for responses to the RFP.
Person(s) authorized to negotiate in good faith on behalf of this firm for purposes of this Request for
Proposal are:
Printed Name: _____________________________ Title: _________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________________________
Printed Name: _________________________________ Title: _________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________________________
FEIN #: ____________________________________________
A -
following documents are
Summer 2017 Student Enrollment
Fall 2017
Student Enrollment
Spring 2018 Student Enrollment
Lake Land College Fact
the Lake Land
College web page at for additional
the College, its
programs, campus, and
Founded in 1966
Each semester, we serve about 5,000 students, with an annual enrollment of 22,000. The average age is 23.5 with
44.3 percent male and 55.7 percent female.
The faculty have received numerous state and national awards for excellence in teaching.
With over 150 academic programs offered, Lake Land College is dedicated to offer many resources to help students
be successful. TRiO Student Support Services provides academic and financial planning assistance; Work & Learn
provides mentoring opportunities and tuition assistance to adults returning to college; and the Tutoring & Testing
Center provides free tutoring on a daily basis.
The college also offers students enrichment opportunities through the Honors Experience in Phi Theta Kappa,
honors courses and the Presidential Scholarship as well as leadership opportunities through Student Life and
engagement opportunities through a variety of clubs and activities.
Some programs at Lake Land College have a special admission process, meaning acceptance into the programs
have requirements and is competitive. Enrollment into the college does not guarantee admission into a special
admissions program. The following are special admission programs at Lake Land College:
Associate Degree in Nursing
Dental Hygiene
John Deere Technology
Massage Therapy
Medical Assistant
Physical Therapist Assistant
Practical Nursing
The 317-acre campus hosts nine major buildings plus six supportive buildings, two campus ponds, a 160-acre
agriculture land laboratory, computer labs, CAD lab, child care lab, cosmetology clinic and a dental clinic.
Recreational opportunities include a cross country track and a disc golf course. Classes are offered at the Kluthe
Center for Higher Education and Technology in Effingham, Workforce Development Center in Mattoon, Western
Region Center in Pana, Eastern Region Center at the Forsythe Building in Marshall, on the Internet and at many off
campus locations including 18 Illinois Department of Corrections and two Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice
5001 Lake Land Blvd. (U.S. Route 45), Mattoon, Illinois, near the junction of Interstate 57, exit 184 and U.S.
Route 45
College district – 4,000 square miles with a population of 195,500
180 miles to Chicago, 127 to St. Louis, 45 to Champaign-Urbana and 10 to Eastern Illinois University –
Member, National Junior College Athletic Association
Men’s sports – baseball and basketball
Women’s sports – basketball, softball and volleyball
Men and women’s sports – cheerleading
Lake Land has more than 50 international students representing 20 different countries.
Lake Land has one of the highest enrollment of online students among all colleges in the state, offering more than
150 courses that have been developed by faculty.
Member of The Higher Learning Commission – North Central Association
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Phone: 312-263-0456
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
Council on Dental Education
American Dental Association
Commission for Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
Cosmetology – State of Illinois Department of Professional Regulation
American Physical Therapy Association
Automotive Service Excellence Master Certified
Approved as a Class I Community College by Illinois Community College Board and Illinois State Board of
Higher Education
Red and Black
Make way for the Lakers now
our champions we do cheer.
We’ve played the game,
we’ve earned the name
our foes we do not fear.
So, raise up your voice in praise
let’s shout for victory.
The Lakers are best
forget all the rest.
To Lake Land our loyalty
Campus Building Location Current Vending
Mattoon Luther Student Cente
Lobby Bottled Soda
Mattoon Luther Student Cente
Dining Area Glass Front Beverage
Hot Beverage/Coffee
Mattoon Learning Resource Cente
Second Story Lounge Bottled Soda
Hot Beverage/Coffee
Mattoon Field House Lobby Bottled Soda
Glass Front Beverage
Mattoon West Building Dining Area Hot Beverage/Coffee
Rotating Refrigerated
Bottled Soda
Glass Front Beverage
o-Tech Building Lobby Bottled Soda
Mattoon Maintenance Building Break Room Bottled Soda
Mattoon Workforce Development
Break Room Bottled Soda
Mattoon Workforce Development
Lobby Bottled Soda
Effingham Kluthe Cente
Dining Area Bottled Soda
Hot Beverage/Coffee
Marshall Eastern Region Extension
Lobby Bottled Soda