Texas Woman’s University
Degree Plan Verification for BGS DARS Degree Audit
Student Name: ________________________________ ID# __________________
Permanent Address: __________________________________________________
TWU Semester Start Date: __________________ Catalog Year: _______________
Anticipated Graduation Date: ___________ Date of DARS Audit: ______________
Degree: Bachelor of General Studies Major: General Studies
Area of Concentration: ________________________________________________
Area of Concentration: ________________________________________________
Area of Concentration: _________________________________________________
Core Complete at another school? YES NO
School: __________________________ Date Core Completed: ___________________
(Core completion must be posted to TWU transcript in order for credit to be given)
By signing this form the student and advisor acknowledge the terms and requirements needed to
complete the DARS audit viewed on the date listed above. The student and advisor agree that the
unfulfilled requirements on the DARS audit will be completed by the graduation date. All
Substitution Forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s office before the date of graduation. If
requirements are not met the student will be responsible for re-applying for graduation and paying
the appropriate fees.
Student Signature:__________________________________ Date: _________________
BGS Advisor: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
Filed in Department by: ______________________________ Date: _________________
Be sure to apply for graduation via Pioneer portal by application deadline date.
Graduation Application deadline dates can be viewed at: www.twu.edu/academics/catalogs.html
DOC Type: _____DP_____
Description: ____________