\\fs2.ch.galveston.city\SharedFolders\Planning\Planning Division\Planning Div Forms\Applications\Beachfront Application Forms\Archive\Beachfront Application -
2015.doc rev. 12/2015
The review process will take approximately four to six (4-6) weeks, from the date the application is received into the Coastal
Resources Division. Once the application and plans have been reviewed by the Texas General Land Officeand approved by the
City, an action letter stating the conditions/comments of the state agency will be mailed to the applicant and property owner. A
Building Permit is also required for all work with the exception of a dune restoration project. The City of Galveston will not
issue a Certificate or Permit, prior to receiving state comment. If the proposed construction requires the approval of the Galveston
Planning Commission, in addition to the review of the state agencies, the issuance of the Beachfront Construction Certificate/Dune
Protection Permit may take an additional 2-to 4 weeks to be reviewed.
Phone: 409-797-3660
Case No.: _______________ Date Submitted: _____________________
Please Print
Street Address/Location (if the address is not established, it must be obtained prior to making application)
Legal Description (Lot, Block Number, Section and Subdivision) Present Use and Improvement on Property
APPLICATION STATUS (Check One): [ ] Owner [ ] Tenant [ ] Prospective Buyer
Property Owner must sign the application or submit a notarized letter of authorization.
( )
Applicant Name Telephone
Mailing Address E-mail Address
II. OWNERSHIP (Check One): [ ] Individual [ ] Corporation [ ] Partnership [ ] Trust
If ownership is a trust or corporation, list the partners or principle, their address and positions on a separate attachment
( )
Property Owner Name Telephone
Mailing Address E-mail Address
( )
Contractor Name (if not applicant) Telephone
Mailing Address E-mail Address
The completion of the proposed project will not adversely affect the public beach or public beach access, nor will it exacerbate
erosion in the area. Drainage on the lot will not be adversely impacted and will flow to the north. Drainage will not flow to adjacent
Property Owner Initials: _____________
\\fs2.ch.galveston.city\SharedFolders\Planning\Planning Division\Planning Div Forms\Applications\Beachfront Application Forms\Archive\Beachfront Application -
2015.doc rev. 12/2015
III. PLEASE INDICATE ALL PROPOSED PROJECTS (Do not check existing projects)
[ ] Single Family Home (# of Stories __)
[ ] Multifamily Dwelling (# of Stories __)
[ ] Commercial Structure
[ ] Sand Fence
[ ] Dune Walkover
[ ] Dune Restoration Project
[ ] Driveway/Slab Only
[ ] Other (specify):__________
IV. SITE INFORMATION (Must be completed, by applicant, prior to submittal of the application)
Concrete will not be permitted within 200-feet of the line of vegetation Unreinforced Fibercete may be considered
Lot Area: ___________
Square Footage of Structure:
Square footage of Footprint:
Driveway Material:
Footprint Material:
Number of Parking Spaces: _____
Driveway Dimensions: _________
Base Flood Elevation of Lot(s): Flood Zone:
Structure’s Distance from North Toe of Dune*:
Proposed Finished Elevation of Structure:
Structure’s Distance from the Line of Vegetation: ______
* Please note: Planning Commission review is required if the structure will be within 50 feet of the Dune
Protection Line
ATTEST: I certify that [ ] I am the legal owner or record; [ ] I have secured the property owner’s permission
and have full authority to make this application, and the information provided is correct and accurate.
Signature of Applicant
Signature of Property Owner
[ ] One (1) set of building plans including floor plan and elevation drawings to be reviewed by the Texas General
Land Office
[ ] Construction details and elevation of dune walkover and/or dune restoration project
[ ] One copy of current topographic survey no more than 3 months old (must accurately depict the dune protection
line, location of the north toe of the dune and continuous line of vegetation, including the most landward toe of any
existing coppice mounds, foredune ridges, dunes comprising the fordune ridge, backdunes, or man-made
vegetated mounds on the site, current dune restoration project, and distance to the mean high tide line). Must
show lot elevations for drainage. Must be to scale
[ ] Dated photographs of lot (N, S, E and W) and a photograph taken south of the line of vegetation, looking north -
showing location of line of vegetation
[ ] A letter addressing additional information as required from the addendum by the Texas General Land Office
[ ] Documentation the septic system is approved by the County Health District, including septic plans (if applicable)
[ ] Additional information required by the Texas General Land Office
[ ] Check payable to the City of Galveston for applicable fees
VI. APPLICABLE FEES (fees may be cumulative as per propose project) all fees are non-refundable
$500Construction without paving
$200 Fibercrete Maintenance Fee (in addition to application
fee, for all projects proposing fibercrete paving)
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click to sign
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\\fs2.ch.galveston.city\SharedFolders\Planning\Planning Division\Planning Div Forms\Applications\Beachfront Application Forms\Archive\Beachfront Application -
2015.doc rev. 12/2015
City of Galveston Beachfront Construction Certificate and Dune Protection Permit
Requirements Checklist
The Texas General Land Office has created this checklist to ensure beachfront construction certificate and dune protection permit
applications are administratively complete prior to submittal to our office for review. Submitting the required information listed
below will allow GLO staff to expedite the review of your permit application and may prevent a request for additional information.
Site Information
___ Copy of FEMA elevation requirements
___ Activity’s potential impact on coastal erosion
Proposed Project
___ Number of proposed structures (specify whether proposed structures are habitable structures or amenities)
___ Description including type and location of proposed impervious and pervious surface(s)
___ Depiction of extent of proposed impervious and pervious surface(s)
___ Description of any existing concrete or fibercrete on tract
___ Statement written by applicant affirming that the construction, the completed structure, and use of or access to and from the
structure will not adversely affect the public beach or public beach access ways or exacerbate erosion
___ Proof of financial assurance for proposed structures in eroding areas to fund eventual relocation or demolition of proposed
structure (e.g. Upton-Jones coverage in the National Flood Insurance Program)
Dune Mitigation Information (if dunes or dune vegetation are disturbed)
___ Comprehensive mitigation plan that includes a detailed description of the methods that will be used to avoid, minimize,
mitigate, and/or compensate for any adverse effects on dunes or dune vegetation
___ Effects of the proposed activity on the beach/dune system, which cannot be avoided (including damage to dune vegetation,
alteration of dune size and shape, and changes to dune hydrology)
___ Proof of applicant’s financial capability to mitigate or compensate for adverse effects on dunes and dune vegetation (e.g. an
irrevocable letter of credit or a performance bond)
Maps and Surveys
Please submit applicable information on one or more map, site plan, or plat as needed.
___ Accurate map, site plan, or plat of the site identifying the following:
___ Location of the project area of the proposed construction on the tract
___ Location of footprint or perimeter of the proposed construction on the tract (specify whether proposed structures are
habitable structures or amenities)
___ Location of proposed landscaping activities on the tract
___ Location of dune protection line and the distance between the proposed construction including impervious or pervious
surfaces and the dune protection line
___ Distance between the proposed construction including impervious or pervious surfaces and mean high tide
___ Distance between the proposed construction including impervious or pervious surfaces and the line of vegetation or 4.5
temporary permitting line
___ Distance between any proposed impervious or pervious surfaces and the north toe of the dune
___ Distance between the proposed construction and landward limit of beachfront construction area
___ Location of any retaining walls, seawalls, or erosion response structures on the tract and on properties immediately adjacent to
the tract and within 100 feet of the common property line
___ Location and extent of any man-made vegetated mounds, restored dunes, fill activities, or other pre-existing human
modifications on the tract (if known)
___ A grading and layout plan identifying all elevations (in reference to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
datum), existing contours of the project area (including the location of dunes and swales), wetlands, and proposed contours for
the final grade
Please note, for large scale construction, additional information will be required.