VHDA oers a program that provides automatic payment withdrawal from your checking or savings
account at no cost to you. You can save time, postage, and the worry that your payment will be delayed
or lost in the mail.
If you like, we can also apply additional principal each month. This will pay o your loan more quickly and
reduce your total interest charges.
Free yourself from this monthly chore. Complete the authorization form attached, and return it to us
along with a voided check or your savings account deposit slip by fax to 804-343-8725 or mail to:
Virginia Housing Development Authority
Attn: ACH
P.O. Box 4549
Richmond, VA 23220-8549
You can have your payment drafted between the rst and fteenth of each month. Please specify
which day you wish to have your payment withdrawn. You will recieve a conrmation letter once
the automatic draft has been set up on your loan.
If you have any questions or need further information regarding automatic withdrawal, please contact
our Customer Service Department toll free at 1-800-235-6938 or 804-783-6729.
I would like to make the required payment on my mortgage loan number on the
(1st – 15th) of each month. In additional to drafting my monthly payment, I would like a consistent amount of
to be debited from my account each month for extra principal payments.
AUTHORIZATION AND DIRECTIVE TO: Virginia Housing Development Authority
The undersigned hereby authorizes the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) to initiate debit
entries to the undersigned’s account at the nancial institution indicated below. The undersigned further
authorizes the nancial institution to debit the undersigned’s account.
This authority is to remain in full force and eect until revoked by the undersigned or VHDA. VHDA shall
be given reasonable opportunity to act upon termination.
Financial Institution:
Checking/Savings Account No.:
Routing No.:
Print Signature
Print Signature
Virginia’s Housing Partnership
Automatic Draft Form