Postcode: Tel No:
Contact name and address
(if different from above):
If your organisation is a registered charity, please provide the registration number
(Please enclose a copy of your organisation's constitution even if you are not a registered charity)
Please tell us your Bank Account details:
Organisation's Account Name
Please make sure this is the exact name that appears on your Group’s Bank Account)
Bank Account No Bank Sort Code No
Authorised signatories for this account
1 2
Name of organisation/individual:
Local Arts Grant Scheme
Application Form
Tamworth Borough Council Communities, Planning & Partnerships
Your organisation
Who are you? What do you do? (Give examples of past activities) Have you previously been involved
in a Tamworth arts activity?
Estimated expenditure
Artists fees:
Equipment/venue hire:
Production costs:
Advertising and publicity:
Other costs (specify):
Your project
Describe the arts project you are seeking funding for. What is it?
What art-form/media will it be in? Who else will be involved in producing and collaborating on this
work? Where will it take place?
What in your opinion will be the likely outcome of this award? Who will benefit?
When will your project take place?
Grant needs
How much funding are you applying for?
What is the minimum amount you require from the council to make this project viable?
Have you received money from Tamworth’s Local Arts Grant Scheme previously?
NO YES If yes please specify the year:
Support statement
Produce a short statement explaining how your proposed project demonstrates one or more of the
a) Community emphasis -
the project should substantially involve or have special relevance to the people of Tamworth
and should have a social, artistic and/or economic benefit for the borough.
b) Increased access and participation – the project will encourage wider interest and opportunities for involvement
in arts activities.
c) Creativity and originality – the project will offer something distinctive to Tamworth’s arts provision and will be
developmental for the person or persons involved.
Income and other funding
Please list any other sources of funding confirmed and unconfirmed such as trusts, sponsorships, awards
pending and income from ticket sales.
Does your organisation have appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service certificates
for staff working with children or adults at risk of abuse and neglect?
Please return to: Stephanie Ivey, Partnership Funding Officer, Communities, Planning & Partnerships,
Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire B79 7BZ.
01827 709709
The information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the guidelines and the
privacy policy and I agree to the conditions as stated.
Signed: Date:
Name in full (block capitals):
Yes No N/A
Yes No N/ABefore posting please check that you have enclosed: (
Please tick)
A copy of your most recent audited accounts, bank statements and/or cash flow
for the coming year
A copy of your Organisation's Constitution
Estimates over £200
A Safeguarding Children Policy (this is required for all projects
working with any children or young people)
Safeguarding Adults Policy (this is required for all projects
working with adults at risk of abuse and neglect)
(06/18) 2182
Privacy Policy and Information Sharing
Tamworth Borough Council is the Data Controller for all personal data collected in this application. We collect your personal
information to allow us to process your grant application, provide administration for award panels and to process payment for
successful applications. We will use it to ensure you are meeting the conditions of your grant award. We will use it to
communicate with you regarding contact you have had with us and to document your relationship with us. We may use some of
your personal information to publicise grants we have awarded through press releases and social media. All awarded grants are
publicised on our website. The information includes the name of the organisation or person (where individuals have applied),
amount of grant awarded and the details of the project funded. With your consent, we will use your information to inform you of
grant funding opportunities.
We may share your personal information with third-parties where required to by law or where it is necessary to process your
application. Full details about the types of personal information we collect, the purpose we collect it, third parties we share it
with, third party providers, and how we maintain the security of your information, can be found in our Fair Processing Notice on
the Privacy Notice page of the council website. A hard copy is available upon request. Please ensure you read our fair
processing notice before submitting your personal information to us. Information you give us will be kept for no longer than
necessary. Our Retention Schedule can be found on the same page.
If you have a concern about the way that we are collecting or using your personal data, we ask that you contact us in the first
instance. Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted on Alternatively, you can contact the
Information Commissioner’s Office. You have certain rights under UK Data Protection law. For information on your rights, please
visit the Information Commissioner’s Officer Website
Do you consent to being contacted via email about other sources of
grant funding available?