Nicola Hesketh
Project and Information Coordinator
Our Ref: FOI5316/NH/02
Please ask for: Nicola Hesketh
Direct dial: 01827 709266 / 01827 709587
[Name Redacted]
99 Park Drive,
Milton Park,
August 2018
Dear [Name Redacted]
Freedom of Information Request for Information
With regards to your recent enquiry for information held by the Authority under the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act, please find the information you requested below with reference in the
box to your original enquiry for clarity where multiple answers are required.
Details of Your Request
The response to your request as follows:
Please see attached completed PDF
Most of the information that we provide in response to Freedom of Information Act 2000 requests
will be subject to copyright protection. In most cases the copyright will be owned by Tamworth
Borough Council. The copyright in other information may be owned by another person or
organisation, as indicated on the information itself.
You are free to use any information supplied for your own non-commercial research or private
study purposes. The information may also be used for any other purpose allowed by a limitation or
exception in copyright law, such as news reporting.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, to request the following
information from your Information Technology and or Procurement departments.
We seek to learn “if and how Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence is used
within your organisation”.
To make responding easier we have constructed two options for your response:
1. An online form using Survey Monkey:
2. An enclosed PDF with editable fields and free form text for you to complete
However, any other type of re-use, for example by publishing the information in analogue or digital
form, including on the internet, will require the permission of the copyright owner. For information
where the copyright is owned by Tamworth Borough Council details of the conditions on re-use can
be provided on application to the contact below.
For information where the copyright is owned by another person or organisation you must apply to
the copyright owner to obtain their permission.
This council also believes in transparency of information, this includes requests made under the
Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations and we reserve the
right to publish these requests in our Disclosure Log along with the response, the requestors name
and/or company where the information is requested on a regular basis. Care shall be taken not to
publish your email address or physical address where it is considered personal information as
defined under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
Project and Information Coordinator,
Tamworth Borough Council,
Marmion House,
Lichfield Street,
B79 7BZ
Details of Tamworth Borough Council’s internal review and complaints procedure are attached, in
accordance with the provisions of the Act.
Yours Sincerely
Nicola Hesketh
Project and Information Coordinator
T-Impact Ltd are surveying every local Authority in England, Scotland and Wales to understand
if, and how you are using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology, seeking to discover if
Authorities are realising the benefits to enable better public services for less cost.
When you have completed the survey, T-Impact we will send you both a summary of the survey
and we will make available a "hard copy" of your responses so that you might publish this data
for future FOIR inquiries.
This Freedom of Information request in the form of an online survey that should take less than
twenty minutes to complete.
We sincerely hope using this form will help to satisfy this request with the least amount of
The surveys also allow the Council to input the statutory paragraphs required whether or not the
Council holds the information, how to submit and internal review, complain etc.
T-Impact LTD seeks to help local governments tackle the challenges of automating essentials
practices in a efficient and cost effective manner. Identifying councils with need is the first part
of that journey.
This Survey is also provided in PDF form, so that authorities can answer offline as necessary.
Please feel free to use either online or offline versions and return the PDF version
to either or We also will
answer any questions pertaining to this survey.
Freedom of Information Request
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses
1. Which Authority do you represent?*
2. Please provide an email address for PDF of your answers.
No file chosen
3. If you are unable to respond to this survey, please upload any documents explaining the reasoning,
details on how to appeal and any other related information that you believe is relevant.
Choose File
4. Please enter any text regarding FOIR that you wish to be declare such as reasons for not responding
to this Survey, details of the appeal process etc. Please feel free to input here any comments. (Max
20,000 words)
RPA Definition
Robotic process automation (RPA) refers to software that can be easily programmed to do basic
tasks across applications just as human workers do. For example, local authorities are
automating processing of applications from web forms (direct debits over web, waste garden
subscriptions etc.).
The objective of the questions on this page is too ascertain if and how far you have progressed
using AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses
5. Has the Authority published a plan for using Robotic Process Automation (RPA)*
a) No - We have no current plans to do so
b) No - Not yet, it's at least 12 months away
c) No - It is going to happen soon
d) Yes - We have published a draft outline
e) Yes - We have a fully published approach to RPA
f) Yes - We have both plans and implementation in process
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
6. Has the Authority published a plan for using Artificial Intelligence*
a) No - We have no current plans to do so
b) No - Not yet, it's at least 12 months away
c) No - It is going to happen soon
d) Yes - We have published a draft outline
e) Yes - We have a fully published approach to AI
e) Yes - We have both plans and implementation in process
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
7. How many areas in the Authority are considering using RPA?*
a) None - The Authority has no insight or plans for RPA
b) None - The Authority has plans with no action as yet
c) None - The Authority is interested in learning more
d) Some - Less than 2 Robots
e) A Few - Less than 6 Robots
f) More than 10 Robots, less than 20
g) Lots of RPA, more than 20 Robots
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
8. If applicable, where is the Authority on its journey with RPA?*
1) Considering
2) Researching
3) Piloting
4) Deployed a single project/process
5) Deployed multiple projects/processes
6) Scaling Enterprise-wide
7) Retiring Solutions
8) Ad-hoc usage (transitioning data or systems)
9) End User Computing type deployments
10) No plans
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (1,2, 3 etc).
9. If applicable, what Automation products are you considering reviewing?*
1) Automation Anywhere
2) Blue Prism
3) Epiance
4) Infosys
5) Jacada
6) Kryon Systems
7) Lexmark (Kofax Kapow)
8) Nice
11) Pegasystems
12) Redwood Software
13) UiPath
15) Xerox Services (Soon to be Conduent)
16) None
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (1,2, 3 etc).
Business Case
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses
10. What areas within the Authority are currently using RPA? (Please select as many areas as
1) Revenue and Benefits
2) Care Support and Housing Services
3) Planning, Environment and Waste
4) Transport, Parking and Streets
5) Libraries, Culture and Heritage
6) Schools and learning
7) Registration and Bereavement Services
8) Leisure and Sport
9) Licensing
10) Regeneration
11) Environmental Health
12) Trading Standards
13) Business Rates
14) None
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (1,2, 3 etc).
Benefits and Budgets
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses
a) - 50%
(Very Poor)
b) - 25%
c) - Zero
d) + > 25%
e) + > 50
(very good)
f) + > 100%
Quality Improvement
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Speed of Service
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Reduced Costs
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Return on Investment
11. What RPA benefits have been realised?
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Customer Satisfaction
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Employee Satisfaction
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Staff Retention Rates
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Staff Absence Rates
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
Staff Efficiency
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
a) - 50%
(Very Poor)
b) - 25%
c) - Zero
d) + > 25%
e) + > 50
(very good)
f) + > 100%
12. How much RPA/AI budget for this Financial Year do you have?*
13. How much budget has been invested on the RPA investments to date?*
14. How much money has been returned on the RPA investments to date?*
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses
No specific budget
Service Improvements
15. If RPA has been deployed, has Robotic Process Automation enabled the means to provide more
services with the same or less staff?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) No deployment thus No opinion
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
16. If RPA has been deployed, has Robotic Process Automation enabled the Authority to do more work
for less monetary expenditure?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) No deployment thus No opinion
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
17. If RPA has been deployed, has Robotic Process Automation enabled the means to redeploy staff to
other value add activities?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) No deployment thus No opinion
18. if applicable, what challenges to Automation have you experienced?
a) Workforce resistance
b) Business process mapping errors
c) End to End process flow gaps
d) Organised workforce rejection
e) Education and Enabling of workforce
f) Management resistance
g) Public or Partnership resistance
h) No deployment thus No opinion
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses
19. Does the Authority have an RPA partner and if so who?*
20. When does the current RPA partnership arrangement end?*
21. Are you planning additional RPA projects in the next 3-6 Months?*
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (Yes, No).
22. Please provide an email address for the area responsible for Process Automation within the
23. If T-Impact Ltd were to run a series of Local Government RPA 20K Hackathons, would you be
interested in learning more? (£20,000 to the Winning Authority)
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (Yes or No). If yes, please provide contact details.
Investment and Return
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses
24. What is your preferred commercial model for deploying RPA?*
a) Time & materials projects
b) Fixed-price projects
c) Revenue-share model
d) Risk & reward
e) Cost per transaction
f) RPA-as-a-Service (e.g. monthly subscription)
g) No viewpoint at this moment in time
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
25. What cost size of cost saving do you require from RPA?*
a) > £10,000
b) >£ 50,000
c) >£100,000
d) >£500,000
e) > £1 MM
f) > £10 MM
g) No viewpoint at this moment in time
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (a,b, c etc).
26. Would a Cloud based - low cost model be of interest?
For offline PDF responses, please enter appropriate value (Yes or No).
We sincerely hope that filling out this survey was not too onerous. We plan to publish the
outcomes from the answers provided. if you would like to discuss your ranking or require any
further information. Please do not hesitate to contact or
We are one of the UK’s leading software agnostic Robotic Process Automation businesses. We
offered the world’s first RPA subscription model, incorporating process design, solution design,
build, deployment for a single monthly fee. We have delivered several successful RPA
engagements for Local Councils and are seeking additional information to understand where we
might leverage our success elsewhere in local government.
Thank you once again.
If you are interested in an 8 step guide to deployment of Robotic Automation see https://www.t- or the our whitepaper on local government and
RPA see
Thank you for completing our survey
FOIR - Public Sector RPA use and adoption with exemption clauses