Online Readiness Questionnaire
5. Given my busy schedule, the amount of time I have to
devote to an online class is:
a. 9 to 12 hours per week
b. 4 to 8 hours per week
c. 0 to 3 hours per week
6. I would classify myself as someone who:
a. Jumps in and gets things done ahead of time.
b. Need some reminding to get things done on time.
c. Procrastinates and put things off until the last minute.
7. I expect my instructors to:
a. Give me written feedback so I can improve my course
b. Give me written feedback with some oral explanation to
help me clarify some points.
c. Talk to me so I can really understand the material.
8. I expect my instructors to:
a. Give me comments within a week so I can review what
I did.
b. Give me comments within a day or two or I forget what
I did.
c. Give me comments right away or I get frustrated.
9. Who is most responsible for my learning and academic
a. I am ultimately responsible.
b. My teacher and I share equal responsibility.
c. My teacher is the most responsible for what and how
much I learn.