Executive Board Positions:
Chief of Staff: shall be responsible for overseeing the senators; shall communicate and provide reports
to the President on the senators’ activities; shall assist the senators with their responsibilities as needed
Secretary: shall serve as the recording and corresponding secretary for the SGA President, maintain
An accurate and official record of all SGA activities including communications, actions, meeting
minutes, and correspondence, take attendance at all SGA meetings and maintain attendance records,
create and maintain a database of new and existing SGA members and officers
Treasurer: shall be responsible for overseeing all SGA accounts and keep accurate records; shall
approve expenditures from the SGA accounts to the SGA Advisor/ Assistant Director of Student
Senator Positions:
Senator of Programming: shall assist in the development, supervision and evaluation of the following
areas: student activities and programs; cultural activities and programs. Responsible for leading the
planning, coordination and supervision of SGA-programmed events and activities, in conjunction with
other SGA officers.
Senator of Legislative Affairs: shall work with FCSSGA and other organizations to promote awareness of
legislative issues that may impact students. Shall identify and advocate legislative, policy and process
issues that are of importance to the students of Valencia College-West Campus. Assist in the tracking of
legislative changes that occur at the local, state and national level. Chair the Elections Committee
(when applicable).
Senator of Public Relations: shall assist in the development, supervision and evaluation of matters
relating to: the creation and development of marketing and promotional materials for SGA activities
and events. Shall assist in the development, supervision, coordination and dissemination of information
to West Campus entities. Maintain an up-to-date gallery of photographs and videos for SGA events and
activities. Maintain the SGA website and social media accounts.
Senator of Student Affairs: Identify and advocate for student issues that are of importance to the
students of Valencia College-West Campus. Be responsible for the development and distribution of all
SGA surveys in order to gauge areas of student concern and devise plans to address such concerns. Be
responsible for planning and implementing a Student Issues Town Hall Meeting during the Fall and
spring terms in order to educate the student body about specific issues that may have a direct impact
on State Colleges.
Senator of Records: shall serve as the recording and corresponding secretary for the SGA
Vice President; shall assist the Vice President on his/her duties as Chair of (ICC) as assigned; shall take
the minutes at all SGA ICC meetings and maintain attendance records; shall record, maintain and
distribute all minutes of the ICC meetings.