II. To be complet
ed by the College Human Resources Director or Designee.
Date the appli
cation was received by the College Office of Human Resources: ____________
A. Employee is eligible to receive leave through the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank.
If Box “A
” is checked, the application is to be forwarded to the University Benefits Office with medical
documentation attached to the address below, within five (5) working days of receipt, from the
employee, to the extent feasible. See Section III below.
B. Employee is ineligible to receive leave through the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank because:
Employee is not in a full-time eligible title employed on an annual salary basis.
Employee is in a substitute title with no underlying regular full-time annual appointment.
Employee does not have the minimum number of years of continuous full time service
with CUNY. Faculty members -- other than faculty Librarians -- must have five (5) or more
years of full-time continuous CUNY service. All other employees must have two (2) or
more years of full-time continuous CUNY service.
Employee did not donate at least one (1) day of sick leave or annual leave for the program
year in which leave has been requested. Faculty members -- other than faculty Librarians
-- are required to donate sick leave in order to participate in the CSLB.
Employee has previously exhausted his/her CSLB allotment for the current program year.
If Box “B
” is checked, the application is to be returned to the employee within five working days of
receipt, to the extent feasible.
You may appeal in w
riting and submit additional medical documentation, if any, to CUNY’s Appeals
Panel within fifteen (15) working days of your receipt of this denial. All decisions issued by CUNY’s
Appeals Panel shall be final and will not be subject to any further appeal by way of employee
collective bargaining agreements or otherwise.
Appeals are t
o be submitted in care of
the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Management, 205 East 42nd
Street, 10
floor, New York, New York 10017.
e of College Human Resources Director or Designee:
Name (Pri
nt) ___________________________________________
Signature ______________________________________________ Date __________________
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