Filling in the Application Form
location and extent of the proposed temporary road closure or restriction needs to be
described as clearly as possible. An understandable plan showing the area of the closure should
be included with the application form, especially if the exact extent of the Temporary Order cannot
be accurately described in words.
You will need to specify if the Temporary Order will affect vehicles only; vehicles and pedestrians
or pedestrians only. Quite often pedestrian access can be maintained when undertaking works on
the highway, but for works such as demolition, it is normally necessary to prevent access to both
vehicles and pedestrians to ensure safety.
A brief description of the works or event needs to be given as the reason for the temporary traffic
The duration should be given in days (for special events - maximum three days) and any specific
hours should also be identified (example, if work is only overnight). The Streetworks Co-ordinator
will be able to give advice about restrictions on events in the town centre and affecting main routes
(01204 336624).
You must complete the application form in full, print and sign it, then either email a scanned copy
(pdf) to or post to the address shown.
Traffic Management Plan
It is your responsibility to supply a
Traffic Management Plan, (showing the schedule, drawings,
details of all traffic signs needed to indicate the temporary road closure and alternative/diversion
routes) as well as supply any traffic cones, barriers etc and arrange for the design, manufacture
and installation of all required signs.
The TM plan you provide will be published on our website and distributed to interested parties
(emergency services, postal service, bus companies etc). You should redact any information
from the plans you do not wish to enter the public domain.
You should provide as much information as possible on how traffic will be managed. Examples of
what this might include are:
Type of traffic cont
Scale Maps
showing site extents
Diversion routes for vehicles and/ or pedestrians showing locations of signs (e.g. Dive
Signs or R
oad Closed Si
For Speci
al Events please provide additional information, where applicable, on:
Anticipated visitor nu
Car p
arking proposals (Including provisions for
disabled drivers)
with no (or with an inadequate) traffic management plan will be rejected.