Registrar’s Office, August 2016
Application for Readmission
IF you are seeking readmission after (1-4) years of absence, please obtain the appropriate signatures and return
completed form to the Registrar’s Office in Laffin Hall, Room 225.
IF you are seeking readmission with five (5) or more years of absence you must file a SUNY application as a
“TRANSFER” and list Farmingdale State College (95) as your prior college. For further information, please
contact the Admissions Office.
Section I – To be completed by student
First Name: __________________ Last Name: _____________________ RAM # _____________
Telephone Number _______________________
Readmission to same previous degree/major: ______________________________________
Readmission to different degree/major: _______________________________________
Readmission is effective: Fall (YYYY) _________ Spring (YYYY) _________
NOTE: If you have attended another institution during your absence, please send an official copy of your
transcript(s) to the Admissions Office.
Student’s Signature ________________________________ Date: __________________________
Section II- To be completed by Curriculum Chairperson
*If student was suspended from the college, you are required to complete this section (Please check one):
Amend the student’s academic standing from suspension to _____Probation
_____Good Standing (must have a 2.0 overall GPA)
Curriculum Chairperson’s Signature
______________________________ _______________________________ Date: ___________
(Print name) (Signature)
Section III
I. IF you are an EOP student, you must obtain a signature from the EOP office. Once signature is obtained, return
form to the Registrar’s Office, Laffin Hall room 225.
_______________________________ ________________________________ Date: _____________
(Print name) (Signature)
II. IF you are an F-1 or J-1 student, you must obtain signature from the International Education office. Once
signature is obtained, return form to the Registrar’s Office, Laffin Hall room 225.
_______________________________ _______________________________ Date: _____________
(Print name) (Signature)
or Regoffice@farmingdale.edu
Registrar’s Office
March 2020